[REVIEW REQUEST]: rctl section

Tom Rhodes trhodes at FreeBSD.org
Sat Feb 2 04:04:59 UTC 2013

Hi team,

Long time, no chat.  It's been awhile, so I would like to get some
review on this section.  In this case, I have used some generic
results (testing them with a forkbomb, smart, I know) and I would
like to get some pre-commit feedback.  Thanks in advance to anyone
who loans me a few moments of their time!

Tom Rhodes

Index: security/chapter.xml
--- chapter.xml (revision 40807)                                   
+++ chapter.xml (working copy)                                     
@@ -97,6 +97,11 @@                                                 
        <para>Have an idea of what Process Accounting is and how to
          enable it on &os;.</para>                                
+      <listitem>                                                  
+       <para>Understand what the resource limits database and     
+         how to utilize it to excerpt more control over users.</para>
+      </listitem>                                                    
     <para>Before reading this chapter, you should:</para>            
@@ -4149,4 +4154,116 @@                                               
+  <sect1 id="security-resourcelimits">                               
+    <sect1info>                                                      
+      <authorgroup>                                                  
+       <author>                                                      
+         <firstname>Tom</firstname>                                  
+         <surname>Rhodes</surname>                                   
+         <contrib>Contributed by </contrib>                          
+       </author>                                                     
+      </authorgroup>                                                 
+    </sect1info>                                                     
+    <title>Resource limits</title>                                   
+    <indexterm>                                                      
+      <primary>Resource limits</primary>                             
+    </indexterm>                                                     
+    <para>For years, &os; has made use of a resource limits          
+      database controlled through a flat file                        
+      <filename>/etc/login.conf</filename>.  While it has            
+      been discussed previously and is still supported, it           
+      is not the most optimal method of controlling resources.       
+      The flat file requires users to be divided into various        
+      group labels known as classes, which require changes not       
+      only to this flat file but also the password database.         
+      Potentially, a single, more constrained user would require     
+      an additional label added, the resource database needs to be   
+      built using <command>cap_mkdb</command>, along with edits to   
+      the <filename>/etc/master.passwd</filename> file.  In          
+      addition, the password database will also need rebuilt using   
+      <command>pwd_mkdb</command>.  This multi-step process could be 
+      very time consuming depending on how many users must be        
+      singled out.</para>                                            
+    <para>A new command in &os;, &man.rctl.8;, allows for a more     
+      fine grained method of controlling resources limits for        
+      users.  This command will support much more than users,        
+      it will also set resource constraints on processes, jails,     
+      and the original login class.  These advanced features         
+      provide administrators and users with methods to control       
+      resources through the command line and set rules on            
+      system initialization using a configuration                    
+      file.</para>                                                   
+    <para>To enable this feature, add the following lines to         
+      <filename>GENERIC</filename>, or the custom kernel             
+      configuration file, and rebuild.:</para>                       
+    <programlisting>options         RACCT                            
+options         RCTL</programlisting>                                
+    <para>Due to the nature of this configuration file, the          
+      entire system will need rebuilt.  See <xref                    
+      linkend="kernelconfig"/>, which will provide instructions for  
+      this process.  Once this is complete, the <command>rctl</command>
+      may be used to set rules for the system.</para>                  
+    <para>Rule syntax is simple, controlled through the use of         
+      a subject, a subject-id, resource, and action.  Take the         
+      following example rule:</para>                                   
+    <programlisting>user:trhodes:maxproc:deny=10/user</programlisting> 
+    <para>This rule shows a basic premise of a rule, here the          
+      subject is <literal>user</literal> and the subject-id            
+      is <literal>trhodes</literal>.  The maxproc is, of course,       
+      max number of processes, which is considered the action.         
+      The action here is set to deny, which blocks any new             
+      processes from being created.  Other actions could be            
+      log to the console, pass a notification to &man.devd.8;, or      
+      send a sigterm to the process.</para>                            
+    <para>Some care must be taken while adding rules, the one above    
+      will unfortunately block me from doing the most simple tasks     
+      after I have logged in and executed a <command>screen</command>  
+      session.  When a resource limit has been hit, an error will
+      be printed, as in this example:</para>
+    <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>man test</userinput>
+    /usr/bin/man: Cannot fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
+eval: Cannot fork: Resource temporarily unavailable</screen>
+    <para>For another example, &man.rctl.8; could be used to prevent
+      a jail from exceeding a memory limit.  This rule could be
+      written as:</para>
+    <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>rctl -a jail:httpd:memoryuse:deny=2G/jail</userinput></screen>
+    <para>Rules may also persist across reboots if they have been
+      added to the <filename>/etc/rctl.conf</filename> file.  The
+      format is a rule, without the preceding command.  For example,
+      the previous rule could be added like the following:</para>
+    <programlisting># Block jail from using more than 2G memory:
+    <para>To remove a rule, just ask <command>rctl</command> to
+      remove it from the list:</para>
+    <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>rctl -r user:trhodes:maxproc:deny=10/user</userinput></screen>
+    <para>The manual page shows a method for removing all rules;
+      however, if removing all rules for a single user is required,
+      the following command may be issued:</para>
+    <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>rctl -r user:trhodes</userinput></screen>
+    <para>Many other resources exist which could be used to excerpt
+      additional control over subjects.  See the manual page for
+      <command>rctl</command> to learn about them.</para>
+  </sect1>

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