Documentation bug on

Andy D'Arcy Jewell andydj at
Wed Aug 7 07:54:20 UTC 2013

Hi BSD guys,

I'm working through the IPSEC tutorial at:

After the tunnel creation incantations, there are some route add
commands that seem to be in error, syntactically:

As expected, both sides have the ability to send and receive ICMP
packets from the privately configured addresses. Next, both gateways
must be told how to route packets in order to correctly send traffic
from either network. The following command will achieve this goal: 

# corp-net# route add 
# corp-net# route add net gateway 
# priv-net# route add 
# priv-net# route add host gateway

The "route add {net,host}" commands both return
errors "route: bad address: {net,host}". From the manpage, I see it
should probably be "-net" or "-host", but fixing that then gives the
error "route: bad address:" which I guess is complaining
about the trailing colon.

In the manpage, under the DIAGNOSTICS section, it hints at something
resembling the format used above, but I think it means "error
output format":

add [host | network ] %s: gateway %s flags %x The specified route is 
being added to the tables. The values printed are from the routing table entry supplied in the ioctl(2) call.  If the
gateway address used was not the primary address of the gateway (the
first one returned by gethostbyname(3)), the gateway address is printed
numerically as well as symbolically.
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