An Example suggestion for mount_smbfs(8) man page

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk m.e.sanliturk at
Tue Apr 16 16:20:39 UTC 2013

Dear All ,


In the following page :

there is a question :

11.16. How do I mount a disk from a Windows machine that is on my network,
like smbmount in Linux?

with the following text :

Use the SMBFS toolset. It includes a set of kernel modifications and a set
of userland programs.
The programs and information are available as mount_smbfs(8) in the base

In the referenced man page :

there is the following example :

     The following example illustrates how to connect to SMB server SAMBA as
     user GUEST, and mount shares PUBLIC and TMP:

       mount_smbfs -I //guest at samba/public /smb/public
       mount_smbfs -I -E koi8-r:cp866 //guest at samba/tmp

     It is also possible to use fstab(5) for smbfs mounts (the example below
     doesn't prompt for a password):

       //guest at samba/public    /smb/public       smbfs  rw,noauto,-N 0   0


The part about /etc/fstab file of this example is not working .

A working example is generated via the following mail thread :

beginning from :

The following text may be inserted instead of the existing /etc/fstab part :


If the following values are not defined in the Windows XP computer ,

"Workgroup" : Work_Group_NAME_in_Windows :
"Computer name" : NetBIOS_NAME_in_Windows
IP v4 number of the Windows computer IP_Number_of_the_Windows_Computer such
as with net mask .
( The entered IP number is shown as . )


define them by logging as an administrator :

>From Windows Explorer -> My Computer -> Control Panel -> Performance and
Maintenance ->
System -> Computer Name -> Change -> More -> ...

It is also possible to use fstab(5) for smbfs mounts .
The password for the Windows administrator is asked during boot .

To define a share , use Windows Explorer :

Highlight a drive or a directory :
Click the Right mouse button .
>From displayed form : Click "Sharing and Security ..."
Mark Radio button :  "Share this folder"

If it is a directory , either accept default name or give a new name .
If it is a drive , a fixed name is assigned such as G$ for G: drive .

The given name is called here as Share_Name_in_Windows .

With the above values :

/etc/nsmb.conf :





The following values are NOT required ( they are not taken into
consideration ) :


During boot , the password is asked .
Without password , Windows XP is not allowing access to the share .

/etc/hosts  :


IP_Number_of_the_Windows_Computer   NetBIOS_NAME_in_Windows


/etc/fstab :


//user_name_in_Windows_Administrators at NetBIOS_NAME_in_Windows/Share_Name_in_Windows
/mnt smbfs  rw 0  0


If a mount statement is used instead of /etc/fstab entry ( or if the share
is unmounted during server working and remounted manually ) :

mount_smbfs -I IP_Number_of_the_Windows_Computer
//user_name_in_Windows_Administrators at NetBIOS_NAME_in_Windows/Share_Name_in_Windows

( Password will be asked during mount , do not specify any password in
anywhere , these are not taking into consideration .)

where /mnt is the mount directory in FreeBSD server ,
the IP v4 number IP_Number_of_the_Windows_Computer will be replaced by
actual IP number .



At the end of the following page :


the following paragraph may be added :

39.9.4 Becoming a Client to a Windows XP Computer

For this purpose , please study


man page .

Thank you very much .

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk

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