RFC: Changing the documentation's font style.

Warren Block wblock at wonkity.com
Sun Apr 14 15:57:07 UTC 2013

On Sun, 14 Apr 2013, Isabell Long wrote:

> The reason I specified Verdana in the beginning was to have some
> familiarity between the website font and the documentation font -
> before (and now) I think it looks disjointed. I have just made
> font-family sans-serif without a specific default font, however. I've
> kept the font-size specified as it makes for a nicer, smaller and less
> huge and potentially daunting reading experience (to new users).

Doesn't that depend on the user's browser and screen resolution?  We 
have to assume that the reader is the one best qualified to decide what 
font size they need.

> How's 
> http://tau.devrandom.co.uk/issyl0/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ now, 
> as a compromise?

Okay, but could you do another without a set font size?

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