RFC: Changing the documentation's font style.

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-lists at be-well.ilk.org
Fri Apr 12 17:47:21 UTC 2013

Eitan Adler <lists at eitanadler.com> writes:

> The CSS Cascading mechanics prohibit the FreeBSD style sheet from
> entirely overriding the user's choice.
> Please see 6.4.1 of the CSS 2.1 specification.
> IMHO we should specify a font that
> a) looks nice
> b) is easy to read.
> and support issyl0's changes
> Users that have different preference may override the style sheet.

The reason I disagree is that you're changing the user's ability in
choosing fonts from an ordinary option to a top-level option. That's a
fairly big hammer.

Most people have already configured their browsers with what they think
is a fairly good font for reading generic text. There's nothing
particularly special about our documentation that gives us knowledge
they didn't have when they made the choice. 

The equation is different for people who don't know that they *can*
change their browser font settings at all. I wouldn't have thought that
there were really that many such people in the grand scheme of things,
but I'll admit that this discussion does seem to cast that assumption
into question.

Be well.
Lowell Gilbert               Lowell at Be-Well.Ilk.Org

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