RFC: Changing the documentation's font style.

Niclas Zeising zeising at daemonic.se
Fri Apr 12 10:18:21 UTC 2013

On 2013-04-12 11:41, Isabell Long wrote:
> Hi all,
> I sent this idea to the #bsddocs IRC channel a few days ago and no-one
> there objected, but here you go. I'd like to know your opinions on the
> documentation font being changed from serif to sans-serif. This would
> only affect the web-based docs, not the ones being prepared for print.

Looks nice to me.  I still believe it's better with a serif font for
print though.
Is it possible to get different types of fonts for different
distributions of the handbook, for instance, the PDF can have a serif
font, but the web pages a sans-serif font, or something like that.  Just
a curious question.

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