Type Error FreeBSD handbook

Ruediger.Ruwe at dlr.de Ruediger.Ruwe at dlr.de
Fri Apr 5 09:30:09 UTC 2013


I discovered a type error by accident:
There is a 'be' (the word, not the letter) missing in the current online version of Chapter 4.3.2:
"Several file flags may only added"

Thanks for all the efforts! Yours sincerely, Rüdiger Ruwe

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
Institut für Faserverbundleichtbau und Adaptronik | VPT | Ottenbecker Damm 12 | 21684 Stade

Rüdiger Ruwe 
Telefon 0531 295 3726 | Telefax 0531 295 3702 | ruediger.ruwe at dlr.de

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