RFC: standardizing SVN properties in the doc repo

René Ladan rene at freebsd.org
Fri Oct 19 12:44:41 UTC 2012

On 19-10-2012 14:31, Gabor Kovesdan wrote:
> Hi,
> currently, the proper use of SVN properties and dealing with file types
> are not standardized in the doc repo. I propose the following policy for
> the repo:
> - Use the .sh extension for shell scripts so that they can be easily
> identified as such
> - Always add the $FreeBSD$ keyword and set svn:keywords to FreeBSD=%H if
> you create a text non-binary file that support escaping it.
> - Only set fbsd:nokeywords for non-binary (i.e. human-readable) files if
> there are no ways to escape the keyword.
> - If SVN detects your non-binary file as binary (may happen with
> non-Latin encodings), DO NOT SET fbsd:nokeywords but use fbsd:notbinary.
> - If SVN complains that a binary file does not have the keyword, first
> try to set the correct mime-type (see below) and only set
> fbsd:nokeywords if SVN still rejects the file.
> .css	text/css
> .dtd	application/xml-dtd
> .ent	application/xml-dtd
> .gif	image/gif
> .gz	application/gzip
> .html	text/html
> .ico	image/vnd.microsoft.icon
> .jpg	image/jpeg
> .js	application/javascript
> .log	text/plain
> .pdf	application/pdf
> .png	image/png
> .rss	application/rss+xml
> .sh	text/plain
> .svg	image/svg+xml
> .txt	text/plain
> .xml	application/xml
> .xsl	application/xslt+xml
> If there are no objections, I'll give a sweep to the tree to make it
> consistent and I'll document this.
What about adding a dsvn script like we have for the Ports Tree to take 
care of the svn attributes?


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