Request for Review: pkgng documentation for the Handbook

Niclas Zeising zeising at
Fri Nov 16 17:22:05 UTC 2012

On 11/16/12 18:14, Glen Barber wrote:

>> - is "pkg audit -F" required to update the audit database as
>> well or it only needed the first time?
> It is needed to fetch a fresh database, otherwise the local audit file
> will be used.  I'll update this to note to use '-F'.

Completely off topic, but... Has the periodic script for checking 
security issues in ports been updated to do this?  Is there any simple 
way to detect if pkgng is in use from a shell script and if that's the 
case, run this rather than portaudit.  From my understanding of things, 
portaudit is not supported (or perhaps not needed) when using pkgng.
Niclas Zeising

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