authors.ent and developers.ent ?

René Ladan rene at
Sun Nov 4 18:16:41 UTC 2012

On 04-11-2012 18:49, Glen Barber wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 04, 2012 at 06:18:12PM +0100, René Ladan wrote:
>> On 04-11-2012 17:59, Glen Barber wrote:
>>> On Sun, Nov 04, 2012 at 12:57:43AM +0100, René Ladan wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> author entities are defined both in authors.ent (with email address) and
>>>> developers.ent (without email address). The latter is used in e.g.
>>>> htdocs/administration.xml, resulting in cumbersome lines like
>>>>     <li>&; <<a
>>>> href="mailto:name at">name at</a>></li>
>>>> where just
>>>> <li>&;</li> would be clearer.
>>>> So would there be some way to merge these two files (both docbook-wise
>>>> and content-wise) to avoid having to maintain two files and avoiding
>>>> cumbersome lines?
>>> I'm a bit baffled by this, to be honest.
>> Oops..
> To clarify, I mean I am baffled by having two files that have very
> similar purposes, not your email.  :-)
OK :-)
>>> Perhaps we can merge these files together, and have each developer
>>> entity consist of two lines, one for name only, one for name + email?
>>> Something like this, maybe?
>>>    <!ENTITY "Glen Barber">
>>>    <!ENTITY "& <email>gjb at</email>">
>>> This would allow us to keep the current multi-format entries, and
>>> consolidate them into one file.
>>> Thoughts?
>> That would be a start. What about an defining a third entity (not sure
>> about the name...)
>> <!ENTITY a.rene.hrefmail "&; <<a
>> href=mailto:rene at">rene at</a>>">
> Would this be necessary?  I think this is handled automatically by the
> <email> tag we already use.
That would even be better of course.


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