removing the article about "how to set up CVS"

Benjamin Kaduk kaduk at MIT.EDU
Thu Nov 1 04:21:53 UTC 2012

On Tue, 30 Oct 2012, Eitan Adler wrote:

> I'd like to remove
> - its old
> - CVS will be eventually removed from base
> - no one should use CVS anymore anyways

I'm not convinced any of those are valid reasons to remove it.

> any objections?

Removing it because it is basically promoting the FreeBSD-specific CVS 
hooks and scripts that we do not use any more (other than projects) as the 
authoritative setup, would seem more reasonable.  I think that in some of 
your other "kill (references to) CVS" campaigns you have devalued 
cvs-projects too much, but here I feel less strongly.  That is because my 
understanding is that we are recommending svn (whether user or project 
areas) for *new* projects, and not actively trying to kill cvs projects. 
People who are using cvs-projects and want something like it locally ought 
to have a hat pointy enough to not need this document to do it.

-Ben Kaduk

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