Install on 64 bit assembly

Szára György Antal gyurkasz at
Thu May 10 16:10:14 UTC 2012

Give me some hint please,
so as to may install either a 8.2 or 9.0 release of típe 64 bit.
To my sarrow I have got a new (Intel) EM64T CPU PC. My 
desktop includes a G41- VGS3 R 2.0 ASRock motherboard. The 
PC case is sealed to prevent unauthorized intruders but after 
throrough study on the enclosed guide I could conclude that its 
VGA may be on board integrated with Intel chipset. Allthogh I 
have yet several of release 32 bit release installed I failed with 
64 bit system so far.Trying to install either 8.2 or 9.0 release 
FreeBSD I  proceed through the whole Sysinstall or BSDinstall 
program. After the reboot however altogether once  I have 
reached in text mode operation only. Remarkably the open 
referred motherboard assembly resist all my attempts to 
accomodate even the X11 directories. I read in the hardware 
requirements of the new handbook notice that certain 64 bit 
assembly with nVida VGA must be disabled the IO APIC in 
BIOS.As I get know after my study my case is quite different 
from the case with nVida VGA mantioned in the introductory 
advice in handbook.
I would be grateful to you

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