Time for a fresh start, it's time folks

Robert Simmons rsimmons0 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 24 17:58:51 UTC 2012

On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Bruce Cran <bruce at cran.org.uk> wrote:
> On 22/06/2012 19:42, Benedict Reuschling wrote:
>> These things take time, but the webpages are not broken at the moment,
>> just outdated. Hence a replacement should not be our top priority (at
>> least, it's not mine). However, I would be interested to see some design
>> studies if someone is interested in doing them to see what can be done.
> Something we should consider during any redesign is whether we want to
> continue using hover menus -
> http://uxmovement.com/navigation/why-hover-menus-do-users-more-harm-than-good/
> argues against them.
> Also, this can probably be easily fixed on the current site but the
> Developers hover menu is out of sync with
> http://www.freebsd.org/projects/index.html (which appears if you click the
> Developers title) - the Repository links aren't available other than from
> the hover menu.  Also, "Release Engineering" is linked to from the "Get
> FreeBSD" menu but is on the "Developers" page.

If there are changes coming, may I suggest an improvement: put a link
to the doc project's new contributor primer in a more visible location
on the website.  It is now buried 4 clicks deep into the website
almost at the very end of the following page:

There needs to be a link to it on these pages:

The primer is:

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