man page for dhclient.conf(5) error in script location

Varuna varuna at
Wed Jun 20 08:04:04 UTC 2012

Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
> I do not believe this is an error.
> Per dhclient.conf.5, the script directive specifies a DHCP client 
> configuration script, and in the example given in the EXAMPLES section, 
> it is entirely reasonable to have a custom configuration script for that 
> interface.  In that case, the default /sbin/dhclient-script would not be 
> appropriate, and a custom version of it needed. Putting such a custom 
> configuration script in /etc is in keeping with the traditional location 
> for system configuration files.
> -Ben Kaduk
Correct me if I am wrong, I have been under the impression that the examples 
indicated in the man pages will always be for default values.  The 
/sbin/dhclient binary refers to /etc/dhclient.conf which in turn gives the 
location of the script dhclient-script.  The location of the script 
dhclient-script as seen in the source code tree has been 
/usr/src/sbin/dhclient/dhclient-script.  The dhclient-script is not a 
configuration file for /sbin/dhclient and is a system related script.

Indeed I do agree that nothing stops the user from placing the custom script 
anywhere in the system with appropriate absolute path in the configuration file. 
  At the same time, I do not see any reason as to why /sbin/dhclient-script 
would necessitate a change by the user as there are no configuration setting in 
/sbin/dhclient-script that can be made by the user.

Glen Barber wrote:
 > I personally feel it should be made more clear in the dhclient.conf(5)
 > manual, maybe by a comment in the sample configuration?
I definitely agree with this suggestion that the dhclient.conf(5) needs a 

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