Tidy and HTML tab spacing

Gabor Kovesdan gabor at FreeBSD.org
Wed Jan 25 02:15:48 UTC 2012

On 2012.01.25. 2:24, Hiroki Sato wrote:
>   I agree with migrating our documents to newer XML standards will
>   solve this in more consistent manner as Gabor said.  I said it (and
>   SVN repo migration) would happen within last October but I could not
>   handle that nicely.  Sorry for that, but it is now in progress.  I
>   believe Tidy can be removed after that.
Do you mean that you are working on the XML migration of the www tree? 
As we talked about it before, I have an almost ready version of the doc 
tree but it needs merging and some last touches. However, the SVN 
migration is a prerequisite for that.


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