Re MAN Page on Wireless Cards

Dr. James R. Pannozzi D.O.M. LAc. jimserac at
Tue Feb 21 08:25:45 UTC 2012

This is really sad.  I've discovered this beautiful PC-BSD operating
system, am pleased with almost every aspect of it, but cannot connect to my
D-Link Verizon high speed Internet modem in the next room even though I
have a supported Linksys ralink card in my desktop computer.

The card is recognized and installed, I can scan for nearby networks and
see them, I can add my network to a "profile" and I can enter the ssid and
WAP password in the "configure".

But there is NO PLACE in the man pages that I can find how to activate the
card.  It does nothing when I say ifconfig WLAN0 UP
and continually says "no carrier".

I've spent DAYS on this googling and I'm going to have to dump bsd and just
install Windows 7.

It seems to me that BSD could and should have been a dominant operating
system but it is things like this, wasting people's time that prevents it.

I also have a Netgear USB wireless - no go on that either, it is not even

Everything else working perfectly.

What a shame.


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