url of the current page in xhtml.xsl

Gabor Kovesdan gabor at FreeBSD.org
Sun Dec 23 22:37:32 UTC 2012

On 2012.12.23. 20:18, Eitan Adler wrote:
>>> >>Is this a difficult change? Is there a reason we don't want this?
>> >
>> >1. Not the most trivial.
>> >2. Probably it does not compensate the added quirks.
> Okay.  Is there an alternate way to insert the header?  How is
> <title> handled?
If you take a look at the source files, you can see the title explicitly 
included in each one. Title is very different from this since it is 
something that cannot be inferred from the source file location. As for 
canonical path, it can usually be inferred. Hardcoding them like titles 
would be redundant and too verbose. If you want to infer them, that is 
not possible from XSLT 1.0 (nor EXSLT) code. The only thing you can do 
is pass an XSLT parameter from outside that contains the relative path 
that has to be appended after the http://www.FreeBSD.org/ URI. This 
needs to be done for each file and you have to take into account the 
source folder not just the filename.


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