docs/174270: gpart(8) man page doesn't describe output of "show" command

Warren Block wblock at
Fri Dec 14 14:38:07 UTC 2012

On Fri, 14 Dec 2012, Andrey V. Elsukov wrote:

> On 10.12.2012 21:10, Bas Smeelen wrote:
>>  +Block sizes and locations are based on 512-byte logical blocks.
> This is not exactly correct. The size of the logical blocks depends from
> the underlying provider.

Interesting!  That could be changed:

   Block sizes and locations are based on the logical block size of the

And to give a hint,

   Block sizes and locations are based on the logical block size of the
   device, usually 512 bytes.

But it doesn't tell the user how to find out the actual logical block 
size.  That is only implied by the size values at the right.  We could 
refer the reader to diskinfo(8), but it would be nice if gpart showed 
the actual value used.

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