[patch] deleting the "freebsd on laptops" article

Benedict Reuschling bcr at FreeBSD.org
Tue Dec 11 10:08:39 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1

Am 10.12.12 16:16, schrieb Bas Smeelen:
> Hi
> I have reviewed Benedict's article
> http://people.freebsd.org/~bcr/laptop_article.html
> <http://people.freebsd.org/%7Ebcr/laptop_article.html>
> There are a lot of additions to the xml article, I did not find any
> changes with the existing xml content.
> I have a FreeBSD laptop but only changed kern.hz and some things due to
> running on zfs only.
> I will see and try to further look into it, the full (wiki) article is a
> good start as far as I have read until now.
> Patch is attached and maybe this can then be maintained as xml and
> eventually being moved over to the handbook.

Hello Bas,

thanks for sending the patch. With a few minor style corrections to it,
I will update the article. If you find out anything more related to
laptops that should be included, feel free to send a PR.

Including this article as a handbook chapter might be worth discussing.
But for now, keeping it separate should suffice.


Benedict Reuschling
FreeBSD Documentation Committer

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