[CALL FOR REVIEW] doc and www converted to XML

Hiroki Sato hrs at FreeBSD.org
Sat Aug 25 17:59:53 UTC 2012

Gabor Kovesdan <gabor at FreeBSD.org> wrote
  in <50390426.40604 at FreeBSD.org>:

ga> On 2012.08.25. 17:28, Hiroki Sato wrote:
ga> > ga> - - Convert id names to lowercase to avoid mixing different styles
ga> > and for
ga> > ga> better readability
ga> >
ga> >   I am concerned about the impact of this change.  There are many links
ga> >   to pages inwww.freebsd.org  and converting the ids can break them.
ga> It is an important point but actually they are mostly header id and
ga> class names. There were a couple of other ones in these files:
ga> art.sgml
ga> logo.sgml
ga> java/howhelp.sgml
ga> The third one is extremely outdated and the first two is about logos
ga> and banners, which - I think - is not such type of content that
ga> usually people link from outside. With this in mind, do you think it
ga> is still a problem? If so, I can revert those files.

 Ah, what I wanted to point out is that not only in the headers the
 ids are converted to lower case in the new framework.  I also think
 we can ignore the impact for the headers.

 As you know, the Jade program uses the upper case because it supports
 SGML general name normalization for the ids and NAMECASE GENERAL is
 YES in SGML declaration for HTML.  The xsltproc program does not
 always do so because NAMECASE GENERAL is always NO in XML.

-- Hiroki
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