Outdated stuff in Devs' Handbook

Niclas Zeising niclas.zeising at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 21:15:50 UTC 2011

On 2011-09-02 15:04, Glen Barber wrote:
> On 9/2/11 7:21 AM, Radio młodych bandytów wrote:
>> First,
>> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/developers-handbook/emacs.html
>> It starts with "Unfortunately, UNIX® systems do not come with the kind
>> of
>> everything-you-ever-wanted-and-lots-more-you-did-not-in-one-gigantic-package
>> integrated development environments that other systems have.", after
>> which is a reference to a statement that notes its outdated, but
>> nevertheless the line clearly deserves removal.
> Agreed.
>> Then "Also, you will need a fair amount of memory to run it--I would
>> recommend 8MB in text mode and 16MB in X as the bare minimum to get
>> reasonable performance."
>> It's just funny.
> That's why it's called Emacs - Eight megabytes and constantly swapping.
> :-)  Nonetheless, this does need to be updated.  Thanks for the report.

You mean emacs now needs 8GB of memory? ;)


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