Conversion to SVN

Benjamin Kaduk kaduk at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 10 04:07:25 UTC 2011

On Sun, 9 Oct 2011, Doug Barton wrote:

> On 10/09/2011 04:59, Gavin Atkinson wrote:
>> On Fri, 7 Oct 2011, Doug Barton wrote:
>>> On 10/07/2011 14:15, Gavin Atkinson wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 7 Oct 2011, Rene Ladan wrote:
>>>>> Op 07-10-2011 16:13, Ulrich Sp?rlein schreef:
>>>>>> it looks like I'm not the only one thinking about moving the doc/www
>>>>>> repos from CVS to SVN, and other people actually have not only thought
>>>>>> about it but already played around with conversions.
>>>>>> gavin did some preliminary conversions and it turns out that we end up
>>>>>> with ~50k revisions and about 650MB of changes (IIRC). There are also
>>>>>> lots of weird branches, so perhaps we could size that down a bit.
>>>>>> What I, personally, would like to see is us using the same svn repo as
>>>>>> src. That means we would have to stop for the
>>>>>> conversion, turn off email sending, dump 50k revisions into it (under
>>>>>> /doc and /www perhaps? where should branches/tags end up?), then turn
>>>>>> everything back on.
>>>> The more I think about this, the less I like the idea.  I really don't
>>>> like the idea of having revision numbers which no longer increase with
>>>> commit date (i.e. having revisions 1-250,000 correspond to the existing
>>>> src tree, 250,000-300,000 being the imported doc tree, and then the
>>>> combined repo being 300,001 onwards).
>>> I'm sorry, I don't understand your concern here. The commit ids
>>> increment monotonically in svn, and the number is global to the whole
>>> repo. Given that the individual files won't be increasing to a
>>> deterministic value, I don't understand why we care what the actual
>>> number is.
>> I don't like the idea that r226166 can be a change from 10 minutes ago,
>> and r226167 would be a change from 1994.
> Well that couldn't happen because the numbers increase monotonically
> over the whole repo, but even assuming that you meant the reverse I
> still don't understand why you care what the number is.
> Let's assume that we start a new repo for doc. What's going to happen is
> that the cvs -> svn converter will take the first set of files added to
> the repo and they will be revision 1. Then the next set will be revision
> 2, etc. What's incredibly likely to happen is that for any given file
> your new change is going to be revision NNN and the immediately-previous
> change is going to be revision XXX, where the values could be just about
> anything, say NNN=659 and XXX=237. So what does it matter if the numbers
> are 2 or 3 or 4 digit "random" numbers, or if the numbers are 6 digits?

head/ (for src) is currently r226182 or thereabouts ... if we import 
doc+www on top of that, that would mean either replaying all of the 
doc+www history on top of that (so that r226183 is now that doc commit 
from 1994), or renumbering src revisions.  The latter seems almost 
unbearably painful, to me ...

-Ben Kaduk

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