docs/157091: FreeBSD Handbook needs to be updated to reflect gpart rather than obsolete gpt
Robert Simmons
rsimmons0 at
Mon May 16 19:20:10 UTC 2011
>Number: 157091
>Category: docs
>Synopsis: FreeBSD Handbook needs to be updated to reflect gpart rather than obsolete gpt
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: freebsd-doc
>State: open
>Class: doc-bug
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Mon May 16 19:20:09 UTC 2011
>Originator: Robert Simmons
>Release: 8.2-RELEASE
In the FreeBSD Handbook section 18.3 it refers to partitioning large disks using sunlabel and gpt. These have been replaced by gpart(8). So, at the end of the section, the sentences "The sunlabel(8) format is limited to 2^32-1 sectors per partition and 8 partitions for a total of 16TB. For larger disks, gpt(8) partitions may be used." should say "For larger disks, gpart(8) may be used to create GPT partitions."
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