pf.conf(5) man page

Michel Blais michel.targo at
Mon Mar 21 16:05:19 UTC 2011

You should add the sytaxe and exemple for policy routing under routing , 
the're lot of questions about it without answer on the forum.

pass in on $int_if route-to ($ext_if1 $ext_gw1) from $subnet1
pass in on $int_if route-to ($ext_if2 $ext_gw2) from $subnet2

exemple : I have two ISP, I want the traffic from to go 
too isp1 and to go too isp2

pass in on $int_if route-to ($isp1_if $isp1_gw) from
pass in on $int_if route-to ($isp2_if $isp2_gw) from

the mistake come from OpenBSD doc for loadbalacing that don't seem to 
work in the case of policy routing.

Should be added to pf.conf(5)

Michel Blais
Administrateur réseau / Network administrator
Targo communications
Montréal : (514) 448-0773
Valleyfield : (450) 322-6142

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