Helping out

Niclas Zeising niclas.zeising at
Sat Jul 16 11:15:36 UTC 2011

On 2011-07-16 11:21, Matthew Wilby wrote:
> Morning,
> I'd like to help out with the doc project, but I'm not quite sure where to
> start.
> Is there a newcomers guidance document anywhere?
> Thanks,
> Matt

Hi Matt!
A good place to start is probably the FreeBSD Documentation Project
Primer, or FDP-Primer, located here: . It contains
information about how the documentation system works, mostly web page
and handbook. For manuals groff_mdoc(7) has some valuable information.
To find stuff to actually work on, look through the handbook and see if
there's stuff that's outdated or needs improvement. You can also look
through the PR database and see if you find any interesting PRs that
needs work (or that just can be closed, or committed, or similar).  I
hope this helps you find something to get started with!

Welcome Aboard!
Niclas Zeising

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