docs/149845: unify spelling of blocksize, block-size and block size in manuals

Doug Barton dougb at
Tue Jul 12 00:45:40 UTC 2011

On 07/11/2011 16:51, arundel at wrote:
> Synopsis: unify spelling of blocksize, block-size and block size in manuals
> State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
> State-Changed-By: arundel
> State-Changed-When: Mon Jul 11 23:49:31 UTC 2011
> State-Changed-Why: 
> This PR doesn't contain any valuable information.

It doesn't contain a patch, but I think reasonable minds could differ on
whether or not it contains a valid action item.


	Nothin' ever doesn't change, but nothin' changes much.
			-- OK Go

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	Yours for the right price.  :)

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