Logo problem?

jvaucourt.ext at orange-ftgroup.com jvaucourt.ext at orange-ftgroup.com
Mon Feb 21 09:59:08 UTC 2011

> Hi,


> Please take a look at the version of the svg provided here:
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=145917
> That one renders correctly in Inkscape at least.

Nice! Though the rendering is not exactly the same.
I saw the problem is due to adobe proprietary features, is the use of 
these features under license? If not, a big jpeg rendered version could 
also be provided, this would satisfy those of us wanting big printings 
(for sweat-shirt, posters etc...) in the wait of a full free 
software-friendly rendering version.

> Cheers!
> / Robert

Johan V.

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