The state of some of the man pages

Mark Linimon linimon at
Thu Dec 8 02:59:29 UTC 2011

On Wed, Dec 07, 2011 at 10:18:47PM +0000, Frank Leonhardt wrote:
> I dare say that some of these are listed as problem reports already.

FreeBSD does indeed have a backlog.  To some extent this is because
it's more fun to create new things than to fix bugs.

But you can browse the existing PRs:

resulting in e.g.:

It's sorted old-to-new, so starting at the bottom is probably better.

Note the ones in green have already been committed, and are awaiting
merge to all useful FreeBSD branches.  (In some cases this has already
been done.)

If you want to see a prototype of another way of looking at the above
but classified by manpage reference:

It uses some grep magic over the Synopses in the docs PRs, so it is
probably missing some.  As PRs come in we try to canonicalize the
Synopses but we miss some.

We're always looking for fresh energy to help work on the FreeBSD
documentation (as well as many other areas).  Don't be daunted by the
fact that there is a backlog -- just look at it as an opportunity to
be able to have a big impact :-)


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