docs/151752: pw.conf(5) doesn't define format for file clearly
Arseny Nasokin
eirnym at
Tue Oct 26 13:00:23 UTC 2010
>Number: 151752
>Category: docs
>Synopsis: pw.conf(5) doesn't define format for file clearly
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: freebsd-doc
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Tue Oct 26 13:00:18 UTC 2010
>Originator: Arseny Nasokin
FreeBSD notebook 9.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT #0 r214288: Mon Oct 25 00:26:24 MSD 2010 root at i386
You can see following text in this manual about file format:
Each line in /etc/pw.conf is treated either a comment or as configuration
data; blank lines and lines commencing with a `#' character are consid-
ered comments, and any remaining lines are examined for a leading key-
word, followed by corresponding data.
what means "leading key-word, followed by corresponding data"?
for example how anybody can recognize it(common usages):
1) Keyword:Data
2) Keyword:"Data"
3) Keyword:'Data'
4) Keyword=Data
5) Keyword="Data"
6) Keyword='Data'
7) ...
what is delimiter? should/must quotes surround data? which quotes should be used? and so on
Also it is unclear with data for shells keyword: can this line contains any spaces between shell names?
see pw.conf(5) and try to create new pw.conf from scratch without using pw(8) useradd -D command
describe format more clearly.
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