Documentation from source by cron failed

Manolis Kiagias sonic2000gr at
Sun Oct 17 22:08:06 UTC 2010

 On 17/10/2010 8:51 μ.μ., Martin Schweizer wrote:
> Hello 
> I dayly cvsup the hole documentation source as described in the handbook. This works as expected. Weekly I want to create the hole source by a cron job. For this I create a script:
> #!/bin/sh
> /usr/bin/make -C /usr/doc/ FORMATS='html html-split txt pdf rtf' install clean
> exit 0
> If I start it at the shell all works well. If I start it by cron I get always such error messages

I use cron to build the whole web site and docs daily.
As remko said, make sure you have the textproc/docproj port installed.
Assuming you have that (since you are able to build from the shell), the
only other thing that comes to mind is cron's environment vs your
interactive user environment.
At a minimum I would add the PATH statement of your ~/.profile as the
first line on the script. Quite possibly everything under /usr/local is
unknown to your script when run from cron.

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