docs/143041: doc/en__US.ISO8859-1 refers to slip, slirp, slattach and pppd

Robert Jenssen robertjenssen at
Thu Jan 21 00:40:02 UTC 2010

>Number:         143041
>Category:       docs
>Synopsis:       doc/en__US.ISO8859-1 refers to slip, slirp, slattach and pppd
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-doc
>State:          open
>Class:          doc-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Jan 21 00:40:01 UTC 2010
>Originator:     Robert Jenssen
>Release:        8-STABLE
FreeBSD kraken 8.0-STABLE FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE #0: Wed Jan 20 07:40:20 EST 2010     root at kraken:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/KRAKEN  i386
slip, slirp, slattach and pppd have been removed from FreeBSD but they are still referred to in the documentation.

(There are still references to slip, slirp, slattach and pppd under /usr/src.)

I have attached patches for 

Patch attached with submission follows:

# This is a shell archive.  Save it in a file, remove anything before
# this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file".  Note, it may
# create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and
# have default permissions.
# This archive contains:
#	article.sgml.diff
#	book.sgml.diff
#	chapter.sgml.diff
#	preface.sgml.diff
echo x - article.sgml.diff
sed 's/^X//' >article.sgml.diff << '2523653e9c26f6a06853ddd875789c39'
X*** orig/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/dialup-firewall/article.sgml	2010-01-21 10:25:12.000000000 +1100
X--- new/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/dialup-firewall/article.sgml	2010-01-21 10:37:14.000000000 +1100
X*** 269,304 ****
X  	    <devicename>tun1</devicename>, <devicename>tun2</devicename> and so
X  	    on.</para>
X! 	  <para>You should also note that &man.pppd.8; uses the
X! 	    <devicename>ppp0</devicename> interface instead, so if you
X! 	    start the connection with &man.pppd.8; you must substitute
X! 	    <devicename>tun0</devicename> for
X! 	    <devicename>ppp0</devicename>.  A quick way to edit the
X! 	    firewall rules to reflect this change is shown below. The
X! 	    original rule set is backed up as
X! 	    <filename>fwrules_tun0</filename>.</para>
X! 	  <screen>	    &prompt.user; <userinput>cd /etc/firewall</userinput>
X! 	    /etc/firewall&prompt.user; <userinput>su</userinput>
X! 	    <prompt>Password:</prompt>
X! 	    /etc/firewall&prompt.root; <userinput>mv fwrules fwrules_tun0</userinput>
X! 	    /etc/firewall&prompt.root; <userinput>cat fwrules_tun0 | sed s/tun0/ppp0/g > fwrules</userinput>
X! 	  </screen>
X! 	  <para>To know whether you are currently using &man.ppp.8; or
X! 	    &man.pppd.8; you can examine the output of
X! 	    &man.ifconfig.8; once the connection is up. E.g., for a
X! 	    connection made with &man.pppd.8; you would see something
X! 	    like this (showing only the relevant lines):</para>
X! 	  <screen>	    &prompt.user; <userinput>ifconfig</userinput>
X! 	    <emphasis>(skipped...)</emphasis>
X! 	    ppp0: flags=<replaceable>8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1524</replaceable>
X!                     inet <replaceable></replaceable> --> <replaceable></replaceable> netmask <replaceable>0xff000000</replaceable>
X! 	    <emphasis>(skipped...)</emphasis>
X! 	    </screen>
X! 	  <para>On the other hand, for a connection made with
X  	    &man.ppp.8; (<emphasis>user-ppp</emphasis>) you should see
X  	    something similar to this:</para>
X--- 269,275 ----
X  	    <devicename>tun1</devicename>, <devicename>tun2</devicename> and so
X  	    on.</para>
X! 	  <para>For a connection made with
X  	    &man.ppp.8; (<emphasis>user-ppp</emphasis>) you should see
X  	    something similar to this:</para>
echo x - book.sgml.diff
sed 's/^X//' >book.sgml.diff << 'c0b1393dc42e3eff0b4aab955f5d387c'
X*** orig/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml	2010-01-21 10:25:12.000000000 +1100
X--- new/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml	2010-01-21 10:48:32.000000000 +1100
X*** 7687,7715 ****
X        </qandaentry>
X        <qandaentry>
X! 	<question id="slip-ppp-support">
X! 	  <para>Does &os; support SLIP and PPP?</para>
X  	</question>
X  	<answer>
X! 	  <para>Yes.  See the manual pages for &man.slattach.8;,
X! 	    &man.sliplogin.8;, &man.ppp.8;, and &man.pppd.8;.
X! 	    &man.ppp.8; and &man.pppd.8; provide support for both
X! 	    incoming and outgoing connections, while &man.sliplogin.8;
X! 	    deals exclusively with incoming connections, and
X! 	    &man.slattach.8; deals exclusively with outgoing
X! 	    connections.</para>
X  	  <para>For more information on how to use these, please see the
X  	    <ulink
X! 	      url="&url.books.handbook;/ppp-and-slip.html">Handbook chapter on PPP and SLIP</ulink>.
X  	    </para>
X- 	  <para>If you only have access to the Internet through a
X- 	    <quote>shell account</quote>, you may want to have a look at
X- 	    the <filename role="package">net/slirp</filename> package.
X- 	    It can provide you with (limited) access to services such as
X- 	    ftp and http direct from your local machine.</para>
X  	</answer>
X        </qandaentry>
X--- 7687,7705 ----
X        </qandaentry>
X        <qandaentry>
X! 	<question id="ppp-support">
X! 	  <para>Does &os; support PPP?</para>
X  	</question>
X  	<answer>
X! 	  <para>Yes.  See the manual pages for &man.ppp.8;.
X! 	    &man.ppp.8; provides support for both
X! 	    incoming and outgoing connections.</para>
X  	  <para>For more information on how to use these, please see the
X  	    <ulink
X! 	      url="&url.books.handbook;/ppp.html">Handbook chapter on PPP</ulink>.
X  	    </para>
X  	</answer>
X        </qandaentry>
X*** 8956,8963 ****
X  	  <para>This normally happens on server machines with slow disks
X  	    that are spawning a &man.getty.8; on the port, and executing
X  	    &man.ppp.8; from a login script or program after login.
X! 	    There were reports of it happening consistently when using
X! 	    slirp.  The reason is that in the time taken between
X  	    &man.getty.8; exiting and &man.ppp.8; starting, the
X  	    client-side &man.ppp.8; starts sending Line Control Protocol
X  	    (LCP) packets.  Because ECHO is still switched on for the
X--- 8946,8952 ----
X  	  <para>This normally happens on server machines with slow disks
X  	    that are spawning a &man.getty.8; on the port, and executing
X  	    &man.ppp.8; from a login script or program after login.
X! 	    The reason is that in the time taken between
X  	    &man.getty.8; exiting and &man.ppp.8; starting, the
X  	    client-side &man.ppp.8; starts sending Line Control Protocol
X  	    (LCP) packets.  Because ECHO is still switched on for the
X*** 9719,9725 ****
X      <title>Serial Communications</title>
X      <para>This section answers common questions about serial
X!       communications with &os;.  PPP and SLIP are covered in the <link
X        linkend="networking">Networking</link> section.</para>
X      <qandaset>
X--- 9708,9714 ----
X      <title>Serial Communications</title>
X      <para>This section answers common questions about serial
X!       communications with &os;.  PPP is covered in the <link
X        linkend="networking">Networking</link> section.</para>
X      <qandaset>
echo x - chapter.sgml.diff
sed 's/^X//' >chapter.sgml.diff << 'caa8c35a33a0bbab5ed23ad5917fd940'
X*** orig/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ppp-and-slip/chapter.sgml	2010-01-21 10:25:12.000000000 +1100
X--- new/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ppp-and-slip/chapter.sgml	2010-01-21 10:35:57.000000000 +1100
X*** 4,10 ****
X       $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ppp-and-slip/chapter.sgml,v 1.192 2009/02/01 09:38:25 manolis Exp $
X  -->
X! <chapter id="ppp-and-slip">
X    <chapterinfo>
X      <authorgroup>
X        <author>
X--- 4,10 ----
X       $FreeBSD: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ppp-and-slip/chapter.sgml,v 1.192 2009/02/01 09:38:25 manolis Exp $
X  -->
X! <chapter id="ppp">
X    <chapterinfo>
X      <authorgroup>
X        <author>
X*** 16,36 ****
X      </authorgroup>
X    </chapterinfo>
X!   <title>PPP and SLIP</title>
X!   <sect1 id="ppp-and-slip-synopsis">
X      <title>Synopsis</title>
X      <indexterm id="ppp-ppp">
X        <primary>PPP</primary>
X      </indexterm>
X-     <indexterm id="ppp-slip">
X-       <primary>SLIP</primary>
X-     </indexterm>
X      <para>FreeBSD has a number of ways to link one computer to
X        another.  To establish a network or Internet connection through a
X        dial-up modem, or to allow others to do so through you, requires
X!       the use of PPP or SLIP.  This chapter describes setting up
X        these modem-based communication services in detail.</para>
X      <para>After reading this chapter, you will know:</para>
X--- 16,33 ----
X      </authorgroup>
X    </chapterinfo>
X!   <title>PPP</title>
X!   <sect1 id="ppp-synopsis">
X      <title>Synopsis</title>
X      <indexterm id="ppp-ppp">
X        <primary>PPP</primary>
X      </indexterm>
X      <para>FreeBSD has a number of ways to link one computer to
X        another.  To establish a network or Internet connection through a
X        dial-up modem, or to allow others to do so through you, requires
X!       the use of PPP.  This chapter describes setting up
X        these modem-based communication services in detail.</para>
X      <para>After reading this chapter, you will know:</para>
X*** 40,48 ****
X  	<para>How to set up user PPP.</para>
X        </listitem>
X        <listitem>
X- 	<para>How to set up kernel PPP.</para>
X-       </listitem>
X-       <listitem>
X  	<para>How to set up <acronym>PPPoE</acronym> (PPP over
X  	  Ethernet).</para>
X        </listitem>
X--- 37,42 ----
X*** 50,69 ****
X  	<para>How to set up <acronym>PPPoA</acronym> (PPP over
X  	  ATM).</para>
X  	</listitem>
X-       <listitem>
X- 	<para>How to configure and set up a SLIP client and
X- 	  server.</para>
X-       </listitem>
X      </itemizedlist>
X      <indexterm id="ppp-ppp-user">
X        <primary>PPP</primary>
X        <secondary>user PPP</secondary>
X      </indexterm>      
X-     <indexterm id="ppp-ppp-kernel">
X-       <primary>PPP</primary>
X-       <secondary>kernel PPP</secondary>
X-     </indexterm>      
X      <indexterm id="ppp-ppp-ethernet">
X        <primary>PPP</primary>
X        <secondary>over Ethernet</secondary>
X--- 44,55 ----
X*** 77,83 ****
X        </listitem>
X        <listitem>
X  	<para>Understand the basics and purpose of a dialup connection
X! 	  and PPP and/or SLIP.</para>
X        </listitem>
X      </itemizedlist>
X--- 63,69 ----
X        </listitem>
X        <listitem>
X  	<para>Understand the basics and purpose of a dialup connection
X! 	  and PPP.</para>
X        </listitem>
X      </itemizedlist>
X*** 87,100 ****
X        This is expensive in terms of copying the data between the kernel
X        and userland, but allows a far more feature-rich PPP implementation.
X        User PPP uses the <devicename>tun</devicename> device to communicate
X!       with the outside world whereas kernel PPP uses the
X!       <devicename>ppp</devicename> device.</para>
X      <note>
X        <para>Throughout in this chapter, user PPP will simply be
X  	referred to as <application>ppp</application> unless a distinction
X! 	needs to be made between it and any other PPP software such as
X! 	<application>pppd</application>.  Unless otherwise stated, all of
X  	the commands explained in this chapter should be executed as
X  	<username>root</username>.</para>
X      </note>
X--- 73,85 ----
X        This is expensive in terms of copying the data between the kernel
X        and userland, but allows a far more feature-rich PPP implementation.
X        User PPP uses the <devicename>tun</devicename> device to communicate
X!       with the outside world.</para>
X      <note>
X        <para>Throughout in this chapter, user PPP will simply be
X  	referred to as <application>ppp</application> unless a distinction
X! 	needs to be made between it and any other PPP software. 
X!   Unless otherwise stated, all of
X  	the commands explained in this chapter should be executed as
X  	<username>root</username>.</para>
X      </note>
X*** 255,262 ****
X  	  <secondary>configuration</secondary>
X  	</indexterm>
X! 	<para>Both <command>ppp</command> and <command>pppd</command>
X! 	  (the kernel level implementation of PPP) use the configuration
X  	  files located in the <filename class="directory">/etc/ppp</filename> directory.
X            Examples for user ppp can be found in
X            <filename class="directory">/usr/share/examples/ppp/</filename>.</para>
X--- 240,246 ----
X  	  <secondary>configuration</secondary>
X  	</indexterm>
X! 	<para><command>ppp</command> uses the configuration
X  	  files located in the <filename class="directory">/etc/ppp</filename> directory.
X            Examples for user ppp can be found in
X            <filename class="directory">/usr/share/examples/ppp/</filename>.</para>
X*** 1305,1797 ****
X      </sect2>
X    </sect1>
X-   <sect1 id="ppp">
X-     <sect1info>
X-       <authorgroup>
X-         <author>
X-           <firstname>Gennady B.</firstname>
X-           <surname>Sorokopud</surname>
X-           <contrib>Parts originally contributed by </contrib>
X-         </author>
X-         <author>
X-           <firstname>Robert</firstname>
X-           <surname>Huff</surname>
X-         </author>
X-       </authorgroup>
X-     </sect1info>
X-     <title>Using Kernel PPP</title>
X-     <sect2>
X-       <title>Setting Up Kernel PPP</title>
X-       <indexterm>
X- 	<primary>PPP</primary>
X- 	<secondary>kernel PPP</secondary>
X-       </indexterm>
X-       <para>Before you start setting up PPP on your machine, make sure
X- 	that <command>pppd</command> is located in
X- 	<filename class="directory">/usr/sbin</filename> and the directory
X- 	<filename class="directory">/etc/ppp</filename> exists.</para>
X-       <para><command>pppd</command> can work in two modes:</para>
X-       <orderedlist>
X- 	<listitem>
X- 	  <para>As a <quote>client</quote> — you want to connect your
X- 	    machine to the outside world via a PPP serial connection or
X- 	    modem line.</para>
X- 	</listitem>
X-         <indexterm>
X- 	  <primary>PPP</primary>
X- 	  <secondary>server</secondary>
X- 	</indexterm>
X- 	<listitem>
X- 	  <para>As a <quote>server</quote> — your machine is located on
X- 	    the network, and is used to connect other computers using
X- 	    PPP.</para>
X- 	</listitem>
X-       </orderedlist>
X-       <para>In both cases you will need to set up an options file
X-         (<filename>/etc/ppp/options</filename> or
X- 	<filename>~/.ppprc</filename> if you have more than one user on
X- 	your machine that uses PPP).</para>
X-       <para>You will also need some modem/serial software (preferably
X- 	<filename role="package">comms/kermit</filename>), so you can dial and
X- 	establish a connection with the remote host.</para>
X-     </sect2>
X-     <sect2>
X-       <sect2info>
X- 	<authorgroup>
X- 	  <author>
X- 	    <firstname>Trev</firstname>
X- 	    <surname>Roydhouse</surname>
X- 	    <contrib>Based on information provided by </contrib>
X- 	    <!-- Trev.Roydhouse at -->
X- 	  </author>
X- 	</authorgroup>
X-       </sect2info>
X-       <title>Using <command>pppd</command> as a Client</title>
X-       <indexterm>
X- 	<primary>PPP</primary>
X- 	<secondary>client</secondary>
X-       </indexterm>
X-       <indexterm>
X- 	<primary>Cisco</primary>
X-       </indexterm>
X-       <para>The following <filename>/etc/ppp/options</filename> might be
X-         used to connect to a Cisco terminal server PPP line.</para>
X-       <programlisting>crtscts         # enable hardware flow control
X- modem           # modem control line
X- noipdefault     # remote PPP server must supply your IP address
X-                 # if the remote host does not send your IP during IPCP
X-                 # negotiation, remove this option
X- passive         # wait for LCP packets
X- domain      # put your domain name here
X- :<replaceable>remote_ip</replaceable>    # put the IP of remote PPP host here
X-                 # it will be used to route packets via PPP link
X-                 # if you didn't specified the noipdefault option
X-                 # change this line to <replaceable>local_ip</replaceable>:<replaceable>remote_ip</replaceable>
X- defaultroute    # put this if you want that PPP server will be your
X-                 # default router</programlisting>
X-       <para>To connect:</para>
X-       <indexterm><primary>Kermit</primary></indexterm>
X-       <indexterm><primary>modem</primary></indexterm>
X-       <procedure>
X- 	<step>
X- 	  <para>Dial to the remote host using
X- 	    <application>Kermit</application> (or some other modem
X- 	    program), and enter your user name and password (or whatever
X- 	    is needed to enable PPP on the remote host).</para>
X- 	</step>
X- 	<step>
X- 	  <para>Exit <application>Kermit</application> (without
X- 	  hanging up the line).</para>
X- 	</step>
X- 	<step>
X- 	  <para>Enter the following:</para>
X- 	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>/usr/sbin/pppd <replaceable>/dev/tty01</replaceable> <replaceable>19200</replaceable></userinput></screen>
X- 	  <para>Be sure to use the appropriate speed and device name.</para>
X- 	</step>
X-       </procedure>
X-       <para>Now your computer is connected with PPP.  If the connection
X- 	fails, you can add the <option>debug</option> option to the
X- 	<filename>/etc/ppp/options</filename> file, and check console messages
X- 	to track the problem.</para>
X-       <para>Following <filename>/etc/ppp/pppup</filename> script will make
X- 	all 3 stages automatic:</para>
X-       <programlisting>#!/bin/sh
X- pgrep -l pppd
X- pid=`pgrep pppd`
X- if [ "X${pid}" != "X" ] ; then
X-         echo 'killing pppd, PID=' ${pid}
X-         kill ${pid}
X- fi
X- pgrep -l kermit
X- pid=`pgrep kermit`
X- if [ "X${pid}" != "X" ] ; then
X-         echo 'killing kermit, PID=' ${pid}
X-         kill -9 ${pid}
X- fi
X- ifconfig ppp0 down
X- ifconfig ppp0 delete
X- kermit -y /etc/ppp/kermit.dial
X- pppd /dev/tty01 19200</programlisting>
X-       <indexterm>
X- 	<primary>Kermit</primary>
X-       </indexterm>
X-       <para><filename>/etc/ppp/kermit.dial</filename> is a
X- 	<application>Kermit</application> script that dials and makes all
X- 	necessary authorization on the remote host (an example of such a
X- 	script is attached to the end of this document).</para>
X-       <para>Use the following <filename>/etc/ppp/pppdown</filename> script
X-         to disconnect the PPP line:</para>
X-       <programlisting>#!/bin/sh
X- pid=`pgrep pppd`
X- if [ X${pid} != "X" ] ; then
X-         echo 'killing pppd, PID=' ${pid}
X-         kill -TERM ${pid}
X- fi
X- pgrep -l kermit
X- pid=`pgrep kermit`
X- if [ "X${pid}" != "X" ] ; then
X-         echo 'killing kermit, PID=' ${pid}
X-         kill -9 ${pid}
X- fi
X- /sbin/ifconfig ppp0 down
X- /sbin/ifconfig ppp0 delete
X- kermit -y /etc/ppp/kermit.hup
X- /etc/ppp/ppptest</programlisting>
X-       <para>Check to see if <command>pppd</command> is still running by
X- 	executing <filename>/usr/etc/ppp/ppptest</filename>, which should look
X- 	like this:</para>
X-       <programlisting>#!/bin/sh
X- pid=`pgrep pppd`
X- if [ X${pid} != "X" ] ; then
X-         echo 'pppd running: PID=' ${pid-NONE}
X- else
X-         echo 'No pppd running.'
X- fi
X- set -x
X- netstat -n -I ppp0
X- ifconfig ppp0</programlisting>
X-       <para>To hang up the modem, execute
X- 	<filename>/etc/ppp/kermit.hup</filename>, which should
X- 	contain:</para>
X-       <programlisting>set line /dev/tty01	; put your modem device here
X- set speed 19200
X- set file type binary
X- set file names literal
X- set win 8
X- set rec pack 1024
X- set send pack 1024
X- set block 3
X- set term bytesize 8
X- set command bytesize 8
X- set flow none
X- pau 1
X- out +++
X- inp 5 OK
X- out ATH0\13
X- echo \13
X- exit</programlisting>
X-       <para>Here is an alternate method using <command>chat</command>
X- 	instead of <command>kermit</command>:</para>
X-       <para>The following two files are sufficient to accomplish a 
X- 	<command>pppd</command>	connection.</para>
X-       <para><filename>/etc/ppp/options</filename>:</para>
X-       <programlisting>/dev/cuad1 115200
X- crtscts		# enable hardware flow control
X- modem		# modem control line
X- connect "/usr/bin/chat -f /etc/ppp/"
X- noipdefault	# remote PPP serve must supply your IP address
X- 	        # if the remote host doesn't send your IP during
X-                 # IPCP negotiation, remove this option
X- passive         # wait for LCP packets
X- domain <replaceable>your.domain</replaceable>	# put your domain name here
X- :		# put the IP of remote PPP host here
X- 	        # it will be used to route packets via PPP link
X-                 # if you didn't specified the noipdefault option
X-                 # change this line to <replaceable>local_ip</replaceable>:<replaceable>remote_ip</replaceable>
X- defaultroute	# put this if you want that PPP server will be
X- 	        # your default router</programlisting>
X-       <para><filename>/etc/ppp/</filename>:</para>
X-       <note>
X- 	<para>The following should go on a single line.</para>
X-       </note>
X-       <programlisting>ABORT BUSY ABORT 'NO CARRIER' "" AT OK ATDT<replaceable>phone.number</replaceable>
X-   CONNECT "" TIMEOUT 10 ogin:-\\r-ogin: <replaceable>login-id</replaceable>
X-   TIMEOUT 5 sword: <replaceable>password</replaceable></programlisting>
X-       <para>Once these are installed and modified correctly, all you need
X- 	to do is run <command>pppd</command>, like so:</para>
X-       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>pppd</userinput></screen>
X-     </sect2>
X-     <sect2>
X-       <title>Using <command>pppd</command> as a Server</title>
X-       <para><filename>/etc/ppp/options</filename> should contain something
X- 	similar to the following:</para>
X-       <programlisting>crtscts                         # Hardware flow control
X- netmask           # netmask (not required)
X-  # IP's of local and remote hosts
X-                                 # local ip must be different from one
X-                                 # you assigned to the Ethernet (or other)
X-                                 # interface on your machine.
X-                                 # remote IP is IP address that will be 
X-                                 # assigned to the remote machine
X- domain              # your domain
X- passive                         # wait for LCP
X- modem                           # modem line</programlisting>
X-       <para>The following <filename>/etc/ppp/pppserv</filename> script
X- 	will tell <application>pppd</application> to behave as a
X- 	server:</para>
X-       <programlisting>#!/bin/sh 
X- pgrep -l pppd
X- pid=`pgrep pppd`
X- if [ "X${pid}" != "X" ] ; then
X-         echo 'killing pppd, PID=' ${pid}
X-         kill ${pid}
X- fi
X- pgrep -l kermit
X- pid=`pgrep kermit`
X- if [ "X${pid}" != "X" ] ; then
X-         echo 'killing kermit, PID=' ${pid}
X-         kill -9 ${pid}
X- fi
X- # reset ppp interface
X- ifconfig ppp0 down
X- ifconfig ppp0 delete
X- # enable autoanswer mode
X- kermit -y /etc/ppp/kermit.ans
X- # run ppp
X- pppd /dev/tty01 19200</programlisting>
X-       <para>Use this <filename>/etc/ppp/pppservdown</filename> script to
X- 	stop the server:</para>
X-       <programlisting>#!/bin/sh 
X- pgrep -l pppd
X- pid=`pgrep pppd`
X- if [ "X${pid}" != "X" ] ; then
X-         echo 'killing pppd, PID=' ${pid}
X-         kill ${pid}
X- fi
X- pgrep -l kermit
X- pid=`pgrep kermit`
X- if [ "X${pid}" != "X" ] ; then
X-         echo 'killing kermit, PID=' ${pid}
X-         kill -9 ${pid}
X- fi
X- ifconfig ppp0 down
X- ifconfig ppp0 delete
X- kermit -y /etc/ppp/kermit.noans</programlisting>
X-       <para>The following <application>Kermit</application> script
X- 	(<filename>/etc/ppp/kermit.ans</filename>) will enable/disable
X- 	autoanswer mode on your modem.  It should look like this:</para>
X-       <programlisting>set line /dev/tty01
X- set speed 19200
X- set file type binary
X- set file names literal
X- set win 8
X- set rec pack 1024
X- set send pack 1024
X- set block 3
X- set term bytesize 8
X- set command bytesize 8
X- set flow none
X- pau 1
X- out +++
X- inp 5 OK
X- out ATH0\13
X- inp 5 OK
X- echo \13
X- out ATS0=1\13   ; change this to out ATS0=0\13 if you want to disable
X-                 ; autoanswer mode
X- inp 5 OK
X- echo \13
X- exit</programlisting>
X-       <para>A script named <filename>/etc/ppp/kermit.dial</filename> is
X- 	used for dialing and authenticating on the remote host.  You will
X- 	need to customize it for your needs.  Put your login and password
X- 	in this script; you will also need to change the input statement
X- 	depending on responses from your modem and remote host.</para>
X-       <programlisting>;
X- ; put the com line attached to the modem here:
X- ;
X- set line /dev/tty01
X- ;
X- ; put the modem speed here:
X- ;
X- set speed 19200
X- set file type binary            ; full 8 bit file xfer
X- set file names literal
X- set win 8
X- set rec pack 1024
X- set send pack 1024
X- set block 3
X- set term bytesize 8
X- set command bytesize 8
X- set flow none
X- set modem hayes
X- set dial hangup off
X- set carrier auto                ; Then SET CARRIER if necessary,
X- set dial display on             ; Then SET DIAL if necessary,
X- set input echo on
X- set input timeout proceed
X- set input case ignore
X- def \%x 0                       ; login prompt counter
X- goto slhup
X- :slcmd                          ; put the modem in command mode
X- echo Put the modem in command mode.
X- clear                           ; Clear unread characters from input buffer
X- pause 1
X- output +++                      ; hayes escape sequence
X- input 1 OK\13\10                ; wait for OK
X- if success goto slhup
X- output \13
X- pause 1
X- output at\13
X- input 1 OK\13\10
X- if fail goto slcmd              ; if modem doesn't answer OK, try again
X- :slhup                          ; hang up the phone
X- clear                           ; Clear unread characters from input buffer
X- pause 1
X- echo Hanging up the phone.
X- output ath0\13                  ; hayes command for on hook
X- input 2 OK\13\10
X- if fail goto slcmd              ; if no OK answer, put modem in command mode
X- :sldial                         ; dial the number
X- pause 1
X- echo Dialing.
X- output atdt9,550311\13\10               ; put phone number here
X- assign \%x 0                    ; zero the time counter
X- :look
X- clear                           ; Clear unread characters from input buffer
X- increment \%x                   ; Count the seconds
X- input 1 {CONNECT }
X- if success goto sllogin
X- reinput 1 {NO CARRIER\13\10}
X- if success goto sldial
X- reinput 1 {NO DIALTONE\13\10}
X- if success goto slnodial
X- reinput 1 {\255}
X- if success goto slhup
X- reinput 1 {\127}
X- if success goto slhup
X- if < \%x 60 goto look
X- else goto slhup
X- :sllogin                        ; login
X- assign \%x 0                    ; zero the time counter
X- pause 1
X- echo Looking for login prompt.
X- :slloop
X- increment \%x                   ; Count the seconds
X- clear                           ; Clear unread characters from input buffer
X- output \13
X- ;
X- ; put your expected login prompt here:
X- ;
X- input 1 {Username: }
X- if success goto sluid
X- reinput 1 {\255}
X- if success goto slhup
X- reinput 1 {\127}
X- if success goto slhup
X- if < \%x 10 goto slloop         ; try 10 times to get a login prompt
X- else goto slhup                 ; hang up and start again if 10 failures
X- :sluid
X- ;
X- ; put your userid here:
X- ;
X- output ppp-login\13
X- input 1 {Password: }
X- ;
X- ; put your password here:
X- ;
X- output ppp-password\13
X- input 1 {Entering SLIP mode.}
X- echo
X- quit
X- :slnodial
X- echo \7No dialtone.  Check the telephone line!\7
X- exit 1
X- ; local variables:
X- ; mode: csh
X- ; comment-start: "; "
X- ; comment-start-skip: "; "
X- ; end:</programlisting>
X-     </sect2>
X-   </sect1>
X    <sect1 id="ppp-troubleshoot">
X      <sect1info>
X        <authorgroup>
X--- 1289,1294 ----
X*** 2480,3202 ****
X      </sect2>
X    </sect1>
X-   <sect1 id="slip">
X-     <sect1info>
X-       <authorgroup>
X- 	<author>
X- 	  <firstname>Satoshi</firstname>
X- 	  <surname>Asami</surname>
X- 	  <contrib>Originally contributed by </contrib>
X- 	</author>
X-       </authorgroup>
X-       <authorgroup>
X- 	<author>
X- 	  <firstname>Guy</firstname>
X- 	  <surname>Helmer</surname>
X- 	  <contrib>With input from </contrib>
X- 	</author>
X- 	<author>
X- 	  <firstname>Piero</firstname>
X-           <surname>Serini</surname>
X- 	</author>
X-       </authorgroup>
X-     </sect1info>
X-     <title>Using SLIP</title>
X-     <indexterm><primary>SLIP</primary></indexterm>
X-     <sect2 id="slipc">
X-       <title>Setting Up a SLIP Client</title>
X-       <indexterm>
X- 	<primary>SLIP</primary>
X- 	<secondary>client</secondary>
X-       </indexterm>
X-       <para>The following is one way to set up a FreeBSD machine for SLIP
X- 	on a static host network.  For dynamic hostname assignments (your
X- 	address changes each time you dial up), you probably need to
X- 	have a more complex setup.</para>
X-       <para>First, determine which serial port your modem is connected to.
X- 	Many people set up a symbolic link, such as
X- 	<filename class="devicefile">/dev/modem</filename>, to point to the real device name,
X- 	<filename class="devicefile">/dev/cuad<replaceable>N</replaceable></filename>.
X- 	This allows you to abstract the actual device
X- 	name should you ever need to move the modem to a different port.  It
X- 	can become quite cumbersome when you need to fix a bunch of files in
X- 	<filename class="directory">/etc</filename> and <filename>.kermrc</filename> files all
X- 	over the system!</para>
X-       <note>
X- 	<para><filename class="devicefile">/dev/cuad0</filename>
X- 	  is
X- 	  <devicename>COM1</devicename>, <filename class="devicefile">/dev/cuad1</filename>
X- 	  is
X- 	  <devicename>COM2</devicename>, etc.</para>
X-       </note>
X-       <para>Make sure you have the following in your kernel configuration
X- 	file:</para>
X-       <programlisting>device   sl</programlisting>
X-       <para>It is included in the <filename>GENERIC</filename> kernel, so
X- 	this should not be a problem unless you have deleted it.</para>
X-       <sect3>
X- 	<title>Things You Have to Do Only Once</title>
X- 	<procedure>
X- 	  <step>
X- 	    <para>Add your home machine, the gateway and nameservers to
X- 	      your <filename>/etc/hosts</filename> file.  Ours looks like
X- 	      this:</para>
X- 	    <programlisting>               localhost loghost
X-          water.CS.Example.EDU water.CS water
X-            inr-3.CS.Example.EDU inr-3 slip-gateway
X-            ns1.Example.EDU ns1
X-           ns2.Example.EDU ns2</programlisting>
X- 	  </step>
X- 	  <step>
X- 	    <para>Make sure you have <literal>files</literal> before
X- 	      <literal>dns</literal> in the <literal>hosts:</literal>
X- 	      section of your <filename>/etc/nsswitch.conf</filename>
X- 	      file.  Without these parameters funny things may
X- 	      happen.</para>
X- 	  </step>
X- 	  <step>
X- 	    <para>Edit the <filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename> file.</para>
X- 	    <orderedlist>
X- 	      <listitem>
X- 		<para>Set your hostname by editing the line that
X- 		  says:</para>
X- 		<programlisting>hostname=""</programlisting>
X- 		<para>Your machine's full Internet hostname should be
X- 		  placed here.</para>
X- 	      </listitem>
X- 	      <indexterm><primary>default route</primary></indexterm>
X- 	      <listitem>
X- 		<para>Designate the default router by changing the
X- 		  line:</para>
X- 		<programlisting>defaultrouter="NO"</programlisting>
X- 		<para>to:</para>
X- 		<programlisting>defaultrouter="slip-gateway"</programlisting>
X- 	      </listitem>
X- 	    </orderedlist>
X- 	  </step>
X- 	  <step>
X- 	    <para>Make a file <filename>/etc/resolv.conf</filename> which
X- 	      contains:</para>
X- 	    <programlisting>domain CS.Example.EDU
X- nameserver
X- nameserver</programlisting>
X- 	    <indexterm><primary>nameserver</primary></indexterm>
X- 	    <indexterm><primary>domain name</primary></indexterm>
X- 	    <para>As you can see, these set up the nameserver hosts.  Of
X- 	      course, the actual domain names and addresses depend on your
X- 	      environment.</para>
X- 	  </step>
X- 	  <step>
X- 	    <para>Set the password for <username>root</username> and 
X- 	      <username>toor</username> (and any other
X- 	      accounts that do not have a password).</para>
X- 	  </step>
X- 	  <step>
X- 	    <para>Reboot your machine and make sure it comes up with the
X- 	      correct hostname.</para>
X- 	  </step>
X- 	</procedure>
X-       </sect3>
X-       <sect3>
X- 	<title>Making a SLIP Connection</title>
X- 	<indexterm>
X- 	  <primary>SLIP</primary>
X- 	  <secondary>connecting with</secondary>
X- 	</indexterm>
X- 	<procedure>
X- 	  <step>
X- 	    <para>Dial up, type <command>slip</command> at the prompt,
X- 	      enter your machine name and password.  What is required to
X- 	      be entered depends on your environment.  If you use
X- 	      <application>Kermit</application>, you can try a script like
X- 	      this:</para>
X- 	    <programlisting># kermit setup
X- set modem hayes
X- set line /dev/modem
X- set speed 115200
X- set parity none
X- set flow rts/cts
X- set terminal bytesize 8
X- set file type binary
X- # The next macro will dial up and login
X- define slip dial 643-9600, input 10 =>, if failure stop, -
X- output slip\x0d, input 10 Username:, if failure stop, -
X- output silvia\x0d, input 10 Password:, if failure stop, -
X- output ***\x0d, echo \x0aCONNECTED\x0a</programlisting>
X- 	    <para>Of course, you have to change the username and password
X- 	      to fit yours.  After doing so, you can just type
X- 	      <command>slip</command> from the
X- 	      <application>Kermit</application> prompt to connect.</para>
X- 	    <note>
X- 	      <para>Leaving your password in plain text anywhere in the
X- 	        filesystem is generally a <emphasis>bad</emphasis> idea.
X- 		Do it at your own risk.</para>
X- 	    </note>
X- 	  </step>
X- 	  <step>
X- 	    <para>Leave the <application>Kermit</application> there (you can
X- 	      suspend it by
X- 	      <keycombo>
X- 		<keycap>Ctrl</keycap>
X- 		<keycap>z</keycap>
X- 	      </keycombo>) and as <username>root</username>, type:</para>
X- 	    <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>slattach -h -c -s 115200 /dev/modem</userinput></screen>
X- 	    <para>If you are able to <command>ping</command> hosts on the
X- 	      other side of the router, you are connected!  If it does not
X- 	      work, you might want to try <option>-a</option> instead of
X- 	      <option>-c</option> as an argument to 
X-               <command>slattach</command>.</para>
X- 	  </step>
X- 	</procedure>
X-       </sect3>
X-       <sect3>
X- 	<title>How to Shutdown the Connection</title>
X- 	<para>Do the following:</para>
X- 	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>kill -INT `cat /var/run/`</userinput></screen>
X- 	<para>to kill <command>slattach</command>.  Keep in mind you must be
X- 	  <username>root</username> to do the above.  Then go back to
X- 	  <command>kermit</command> (by running <command>fg</command> if you
X- 	  suspended it) and exit from it (<keycap>q</keycap>).</para>
X- 	<para>The &man.slattach.8; manual page says you have 
X- 	  to use <command>ifconfig sl0 down</command> 
X-           to mark the interface down, but this does not
X- 	  seem to make any difference.
X- 	  (<command>ifconfig sl0</command> reports the same thing.)</para>
X- 	<para>Some times, your modem might refuse to drop the carrier.
X- 	  In that case, simply start <command>kermit</command> and quit
X- 	  it again. It usually goes out on the second try.</para>
X-       </sect3>
X-       <sect3>
X- 	<title>Troubleshooting</title>
X- 	<para>If it does not work, feel free to ask on &; mailing
X- 	  list.  The things that people tripped over so far:</para>
X- 	<itemizedlist>
X- 	  <listitem>
X- 	    <para>Not using <option>-c</option> or <option>-a</option> in
X- 	      <command>slattach</command> (This should not be fatal,
X- 	      but some users have reported that this solves their
X- 	      problems.)</para>
X- 	  </listitem>
X- 	  <listitem>
X- 	    <para>Using <option>s10</option> instead of
X- 	      <option>sl0</option> (might be hard to see the difference on
X- 	      some fonts).</para>
X- 	  </listitem>
X- 	  <listitem>
X- 	    <para>Try <command>ifconfig sl0</command> to see your
X- 	      interface status.  For example, you might get:</para>
X- 	    <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>ifconfig sl0</userinput>
X- sl0: flags=10<POINTOPOINT>
X-         inet --> netmask ffffff00</screen>
X- 	  </listitem>
X- 	  <listitem>
X- 	    <para>If you get <errorname>no route to host</errorname>
X-             messages from &;, there may be a problem with your
X-             routing table.  You can use the <command>netstat -r</command>
X-             command to display the current routes :</para>
X- 	    <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>netstat -r</userinput>
X- Routing tables
X- Destination      Gateway            Flags     Refs     Use  IfaceMTU    Rtt    Netmasks:
X- (root node)
X- (root node)
X- Route Tree for Protocol Family inet:
X- (root node) =>
X- default          inr-3.Example.EDU  UG          8   224515  sl0 -      -
X- localhost.Exampl localhost.Example. UH          5    42127  lo0 -       0.438
X- inr-3.Example.ED water.CS.Example.E UH          1        0  sl0 -      -
X- water.CS.Example localhost.Example. UGH        34 47641234  lo0 -       0.438
X- (root node)</screen>
X- 	    <para>The preceding examples are from a relatively busy system.
X-               The numbers on your system will vary depending on
X-               network activity.</para>
X- 	  </listitem>
X- 	</itemizedlist>
X-       </sect3>
X-     </sect2>
X-     <sect2 id="slips">
X-       <title>Setting Up a SLIP Server</title>
X-       <indexterm>
X- 	<primary>SLIP</primary>
X- 	<secondary>server</secondary>
X-       </indexterm>
X-       <para>This document provides suggestions for setting up SLIP Server
X- 	services on a FreeBSD system, which typically means configuring
X- 	your system to automatically start up connections upon login for
X- 	remote SLIP clients.</para>
X-       <!-- Disclaimer is not necessarily relevant
X-       <para> The author has written this document based
X- 	on his experience; however, as your system and needs may be
X- 	different, this document may not answer all of your questions, and
X- 	the author cannot be responsible if you damage your system or lose
X- 	data due to attempting to follow the suggestions here.</para>
X-       -->
X-       <sect3 id="slips-prereqs">
X- 	<title>Prerequisites</title>
X- 	<indexterm><primary>TCP/IP networking</primary></indexterm>
X- 	<para>This section is very technical in nature, so background
X- 	  knowledge is required.  It is assumed that you are familiar with
X- 	  the TCP/IP network protocol, and in particular, network and node
X- 	  addressing, network address masks, subnetting, routing, and
X- 	  routing protocols, such as RIP.  Configuring SLIP services on a
X- 	  dial-up server requires a knowledge of these concepts, and if
X- 	  you are not familiar with them, please read a copy of either
X- 	  Craig Hunt's <emphasis>TCP/IP Network Administration</emphasis>
X- 	  published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. (ISBN Number
X- 	  0-937175-82-X), or Douglas Comer's books on the TCP/IP
X- 	  protocol.</para>
X- 	<indexterm><primary>modem</primary></indexterm>
X- 	<para>It is further assumed that you have already set up your
X- 	  modem(s) and configured the appropriate system files to allow
X- 	  logins through your modems.  If you have not prepared your
X- 	  system for this yet, please see <xref
X- 	  linkend="dialup"> for details on dialup services
X- 	  configuration.
X- 	  You may also want to check the manual pages for &man.sio.4; for
X- 	  information on the serial port device driver and &man.ttys.5;,
X- 	  &man.gettytab.5;, &man.getty.8;, & &man.init.8; for
X- 	  information relevant to configuring the system to accept logins
X- 	  on modems, and perhaps &man.stty.1; for information on setting
X- 	  serial port parameters (such as <literal>clocal</literal> for
X- 	  directly-connected serial interfaces).</para>
X-       </sect3>
X-       <sect3>
X- 	<title>Quick Overview</title>
X- 	<para>In its typical configuration, using FreeBSD as a SLIP server
X- 	  works as follows:  a SLIP user dials up your FreeBSD SLIP Server
X- 	  system and logs in with a special SLIP login ID that uses
X- 	  <filename>/usr/sbin/sliplogin</filename> as the special user's
X- 	  shell.  The <command>sliplogin</command> program browses the
X- 	  file <filename>/etc/sliphome/slip.hosts</filename> to find a
X- 	  matching line for the special user, and if it finds a match,
X- 	  connects the serial line to an available SLIP interface and then
X- 	  runs the shell script
X- 	  <filename>/etc/sliphome/slip.login</filename> to configure the
X- 	  SLIP interface.</para>
X-         <sect4>
X- 	  <title>An Example of a SLIP Server Login</title>
X- 	  <para>For example, if a SLIP user ID were
X- 	    <username>Shelmerg</username>, <username>Shelmerg</username>'s
X- 	    entry in <filename>/etc/master.passwd</filename> would look
X- 	    something like this:</para>
X- 	  <programlisting>Shelmerg:password:1964:89::0:0:Guy Helmer - SLIP:/usr/users/Shelmerg:/usr/sbin/sliplogin</programlisting>
X- 	  <para>When <username>Shelmerg</username> logs in,
X- 	    <command>sliplogin</command> will search
X- 	    <filename>/etc/sliphome/slip.hosts</filename> for a line that
X- 	    had a matching user ID; for example, there may be a line in
X- 	    <filename>/etc/sliphome/slip.hosts</filename> that
X- 	    reads:</para>
X- 	  <programlisting>Shelmerg        dc-slip sl-helmer       0xfffffc00		  autocomp</programlisting>
X- 	  <para><command>sliplogin</command> will find that matching line,
X- 	    hook the serial line into the next available SLIP interface,
X- 	    and then execute <filename>/etc/sliphome/slip.login</filename>
X- 	    like this:</para>
X- 	  <programlisting>/etc/sliphome/slip.login 0 19200 Shelmerg dc-slip sl-helmer 0xfffffc00 autocomp</programlisting>
X- 	  <para>If all goes well,
X- 	    <filename>/etc/sliphome/slip.login</filename> will issue an
X- 	    <command>ifconfig</command> for the SLIP interface to which
X- 	    <command>sliplogin</command> attached itself (SLIP interface
X- 	    0, in the above example, which was the first parameter in the
X- 	    list given to <filename>slip.login</filename>) to set the
X- 	    local IP address (<hostid>dc-slip</hostid>), remote IP address
X- 	    (<hostid>sl-helmer</hostid>), network mask for the SLIP
X- 	    interface (<hostid role="netmask">0xfffffc00</hostid>), and
X- 	    any additional flags (<literal>autocomp</literal>).  If
X- 	    something goes wrong, <command>sliplogin</command> usually
X- 	    logs good informational messages via the
X- 	    <application>syslogd</application> daemon facility, which usually
X- 	    logs to <filename>/var/log/messages</filename> (see the manual
X- 	    pages for &man.syslogd.8; and &man.syslog.conf.5; and perhaps
X- 	    check <filename>/etc/syslog.conf</filename> to see to what
X- 	    <application>syslogd</application> is logging and where it is
X- 	    logging to).</para>
X- 	</sect4>
X-       </sect3>
X-       <sect3>
X- 	<title>Kernel Configuration</title>
X- 	<indexterm>
X- 	  <primary>kernel</primary>
X- 	  <secondary>configuration</secondary>
X- 	</indexterm>
X- 	<indexterm>
X- 	  <primary>SLIP</primary>
X- 	</indexterm>
X- 	<para>&os;'s default kernel (<filename>GENERIC</filename>)
X- 	  comes with SLIP (&;) support; in case of a custom
X- 	  kernel, you have to add the following line to your kernel
X- 	  configuration file:</para>
X- 	<programlisting>device   sl</programlisting>
X- 	<para>By default, your &os; machine will not forward packets.
X- 	  If you want your FreeBSD SLIP Server to act as a router, you
X- 	  will have to edit the <filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename> file and
X- 	  change the setting of the <literal>gateway_enable</literal> variable
X- 	  to <option>YES</option>.  This will make sure that setting the
X- 	  routing option will be persistent after a reboot.</para>
X- 	<para>To apply the settings immediately you can execute the
X- 	  following command as <username>root</username>:</para>
X- 	<screen>&prompt.root; /etc/rc.d/routing start</screen>
X- 	<para>Please refer to <xref linkend="kernelconfig"> on
X- 	  Configuring the FreeBSD Kernel for help in
X- 	  reconfiguring your kernel.</para>
X-       </sect3>
X-       <sect3>
X- 	<title>Sliplogin Configuration</title>
X- 	<para>As mentioned earlier, there are three files in the
X- 	  <filename class="directory">/etc/sliphome</filename> directory that are part of
X- 	  the configuration for <filename>/usr/sbin/sliplogin</filename>
X- 	  (see &man.sliplogin.8; for the actual manual page for
X- 	  <command>sliplogin</command>): <filename>slip.hosts</filename>,
X- 	  which defines the SLIP users and their associated IP
X- 	  addresses; <filename>slip.login</filename>, which usually just
X- 	  configures the SLIP interface; and (optionally)
X- 	  <filename>slip.logout</filename>, which undoes
X- 	  <filename>slip.login</filename>'s effects when the serial
X- 	  connection is terminated.</para>
X-         <sect4>
X- 	  <title><filename>slip.hosts</filename> Configuration</title>
X- 	  <para><filename>/etc/sliphome/slip.hosts</filename> contains
X- 	    lines which have at least four items separated by
X- 	    whitespace:</para>
X- 	  <itemizedlist>
X- 	    <listitem>
X- 	      <para>SLIP user's login ID</para>
X- 	    </listitem>
X- 	    <listitem>
X- 	      <para>Local address (local to the SLIP server) of the SLIP
X- 		link</para>
X- 	    </listitem>
X- 	    <listitem>
X- 	      <para>Remote address of the SLIP link</para>
X- 	    </listitem>
X- 	    <listitem>
X- 	      <para>Network mask</para>
X- 	    </listitem>
X- 	  </itemizedlist>
X- 	  <para>The local and remote addresses may be host names
X- 	    (resolved to IP addresses by
X- 	    <filename>/etc/hosts</filename> or by the domain name
X- 	    service, depending on your specifications in the file
X- 	    <filename>/etc/nsswitch.conf</filename>), and the network mask
X- 	    may be a name that can be resolved by a lookup into
X- 	    <filename>/etc/networks</filename>.  On a sample system,
X- 	    <filename>/etc/sliphome/slip.hosts</filename> looks like
X- 	    this:</para>
X- 	  <programlisting>#
X- # login local-addr      remote-addr     mask            opt1    opt2 
X- #                                               (normal,compress,noicmp)
X- #
X- Shelmerg  dc-slip       sl-helmerg      0xfffffc00      autocomp</programlisting>
X- 	  <para>At the end of the line is one or more of the
X- 	    options:</para>
X- 	  <itemizedlist>
X- 	    <listitem>
X- 	      <para><option>normal</option> — no header
X- 		compression</para>
X- 	    </listitem>
X- 	    <listitem>
X- 	      <para><option>compress</option> — compress
X- 		headers</para>
X- 	    </listitem>
X- 	    <listitem>
X- 	      <para><option>autocomp</option> — compress headers if
X- 		the remote end allows it</para>
X- 	    </listitem>
X- 	    <listitem>
X- 	      <para><option>noicmp</option> — disable ICMP packets
X- 		(so any <quote>ping</quote> packets will be dropped instead
X- 		of using up your bandwidth)</para>
X- 	    </listitem>
X- 	  </itemizedlist>
X-   	  <indexterm><primary>SLIP</primary></indexterm>
X-   	  <indexterm><primary>TCP/IP networking</primary></indexterm>
X- 	  <para>Your choice of local and remote addresses for your SLIP
X- 	    links depends on whether you are going to dedicate a TCP/IP
X- 	    subnet or if you are going to use <quote>proxy ARP</quote> on
X- 	    your SLIP server (it is not <quote>true</quote> proxy ARP, but
X- 	    that is the terminology used in this section to describe it).
X- 	    If you are not sure which method to select or how to assign IP
X- 	    addresses, please refer to the TCP/IP books referenced in
X- 	    the SLIP Prerequisites (<xref linkend="slips-prereqs">)
X- 	    and/or consult your IP network manager.</para>
X- 	  <para>If you are going to use a separate subnet for your SLIP
X- 	    clients, you will need to allocate the subnet number out of
X- 	    your assigned IP network number and assign each of your SLIP
X- 	    client's IP numbers out of that subnet.  Then, you will
X- 	    probably need to configure a static route to the SLIP
X- 	    subnet via your SLIP server on your nearest IP router.</para>
X-   	  <indexterm><primary>Ethernet</primary></indexterm>
X- 	  <para>Otherwise, if you will use the <quote>proxy ARP</quote>
X- 	    method, you will need to assign your SLIP client's IP
X- 	    addresses out of your SLIP server's Ethernet subnet, and you
X- 	    will also need to adjust your
X- 	    <filename>/etc/sliphome/slip.login</filename> and
X- 	    <filename>/etc/sliphome/slip.logout</filename> scripts to use
X- 	    &man.arp.8; to manage the <quote>proxy ARP</quote> entries in the SLIP
X- 	    server's ARP table.</para>
X- 	</sect4>
X- 	<sect4>
X- 	  <title><filename>slip.login</filename> Configuration</title>
X- 	  <para>The typical <filename>/etc/sliphome/slip.login</filename>
X- 	    file looks like this:</para>
X- 	  <programlisting>#!/bin/sh -
X- #
X- #       @(#)slip.login  5.1 (Berkeley) 7/1/90
X- #
X- # generic login file for a slip line.  sliplogin invokes this with
X- # the parameters:
X- #      1        2         3        4          5         6     7-n
X- #   slipunit ttyspeed loginname local-addr remote-addr mask opt-args
X- #
X- /sbin/ifconfig sl$1 inet $4 $5 netmask $6</programlisting>
X- 	  <para>This <filename>slip.login</filename> file merely runs
X- 	    <command>ifconfig</command> for the appropriate SLIP interface
X- 	    with the local and remote addresses and network mask of the
X- 	    SLIP interface.</para>
X- 	  <para>If you have decided to use the <quote>proxy ARP</quote>
X- 	    method (instead of using a separate subnet for your SLIP
X- 	    clients), your <filename>/etc/sliphome/slip.login</filename>
X- 	    file will need to look something like this:</para>
X- 	  <programlisting>#!/bin/sh -
X- #
X- #       @(#)slip.login  5.1 (Berkeley) 7/1/90
X- #
X- # generic login file for a slip line.  sliplogin invokes this with
X- # the parameters:
X- #      1        2         3        4          5         6     7-n
X- #   slipunit ttyspeed loginname local-addr remote-addr mask opt-args
X- #
X- /sbin/ifconfig sl$1 inet $4 $5 netmask $6 
X- # Answer ARP requests for the SLIP client with our Ethernet addr
X- /usr/sbin/arp -s $5 00:11:22:33:44:55 pub</programlisting>
X- 	  <para>The additional line in this
X- 	    <filename>slip.login</filename>, <command>arp -s
X- 	    $5 00:11:22:33:44:55 pub</command>, creates an ARP entry
X- 	    in the SLIP server's ARP table.  This ARP entry causes the
X- 	    SLIP server to respond with the SLIP server's Ethernet MAC
X- 	    address whenever another IP node on the Ethernet asks to
X- 	    speak to the SLIP client's IP address.</para>
X-   	  <indexterm>
X- 	    <primary>Ethernet</primary>
X- 	    <secondary>MAC address</secondary>
X- 	  </indexterm>
X- 	  <para>When using the example above, be sure to replace the
X- 	    Ethernet MAC address (<hostid
X- 	    role="mac">00:11:22:33:44:55</hostid>) with the MAC address of
X- 	    your system's Ethernet card, or your <quote>proxy ARP</quote>
X- 	    will definitely not work!  You can discover your SLIP server's
X- 	    Ethernet MAC address by looking at the results of running
X- 	    <command>netstat -i</command>; the second line of the output
X- 	    should look something like:</para>
X- 	  <screen>ed0   1500  <Link>0.2.c1.28.5f.4a         191923	0   129457     0   116</screen>
X- 	  <para>This indicates that this particular system's Ethernet MAC
X- 	    address is <hostid role="mac">00:02:c1:28:5f:4a</hostid>
X- 	    — the periods in the Ethernet MAC address given by
X- 	    <command>netstat -i</command> must be changed to colons and
X- 	    leading zeros should be added to each single-digit hexadecimal
X- 	    number to convert the address into the form that &man.arp.8;
X- 	    desires; see the manual page on &man.arp.8; for complete
X- 	    information on usage.</para>
X- 	  <note>
X- 	    <para>When you create
X- 	      <filename>/etc/sliphome/slip.login</filename> and
X- 	      <filename>/etc/sliphome/slip.logout</filename>, the
X- 	      <quote>execute</quote> bit (i.e., <command>chmod 755
X- 	      /etc/sliphome/slip.login /etc/sliphome/slip.logout</command>)
X- 	      must be set, or <command>sliplogin</command> will be unable
X- 	      to execute it.</para>
X- 	  </note>
X- 	</sect4>
X- 	<sect4>
X- 	  <title><filename>slip.logout</filename> Configuration</title>
X- 	  <para><filename>/etc/sliphome/slip.logout</filename> is not
X- 	    strictly needed (unless you are implementing <quote>proxy
X- 	    ARP</quote>), but if you decide to create it, this is an
X- 	    example of a basic
X- 	    <filename>slip.logout</filename> script:</para>
X- 	  <programlisting>#!/bin/sh -
X- #
X- #       slip.logout
X- #
X- # logout file for a slip line.  sliplogin invokes this with
X- # the parameters:
X- #      1        2         3        4          5         6     7-n
X- #   slipunit ttyspeed loginname local-addr remote-addr mask opt-args
X- #
X- /sbin/ifconfig sl$1 down</programlisting>
X- 	  <para>If you are using <quote>proxy ARP</quote>, you will want to
X- 	    have <filename>/etc/sliphome/slip.logout</filename> remove the
X- 	    ARP entry for the SLIP client:</para>
X- 	  <programlisting>#!/bin/sh -
X- #
X- #       @(#)slip.logout
X- #
X- # logout file for a slip line.  sliplogin invokes this with
X- # the parameters:
X- #      1        2         3        4          5         6     7-n
X- #   slipunit ttyspeed loginname local-addr remote-addr mask opt-args
X- #
X- /sbin/ifconfig sl$1 down
X- # Quit answering ARP requests for the SLIP client
X- /usr/sbin/arp -d $5</programlisting>
X- 	  <para>The <command>arp -d $5</command> removes the ARP entry
X- 	    that the <quote>proxy ARP</quote>
X- 	    <filename>slip.login</filename> added when the SLIP client
X- 	    logged in.</para>
X- 	  <para>It bears repeating: make sure
X- 	    <filename>/etc/sliphome/slip.logout</filename> has the execute
X- 	    bit set after you create it (i.e., <command>chmod 755
X- 	    /etc/sliphome/slip.logout</command>).</para>
X- 	</sect4>
X-       </sect3>
X-       <sect3>
X- 	<title>Routing Considerations</title>
X- 	<indexterm>
X-     <primary>SLIP</primary>
X-     <secondary>routing</secondary>
X-   </indexterm>
X- 	<para>If you are not using the <quote>proxy ARP</quote> method for
X- 	  routing packets between your SLIP clients and the rest of your
X- 	  network (and perhaps the Internet), you will probably 
X- 	  have to add static routes to your closest default router(s) to
X- 	  route your SLIP clients subnet via your SLIP server.</para>
X- 	<sect4>
X- 	  <title>Static Routes</title>
X- 	  <indexterm><primary>static routes</primary></indexterm>
X- 	  <para>Adding static routes to your nearest default routers
X- 	    can be troublesome (or impossible if you do not have
X- 	    authority to do so...).  If you have a multiple-router
X- 	    network in your organization, some routers, such as those
X- 	    made by Cisco and Proteon, may not only need to be
X- 	    configured with the static route to the SLIP subnet, but
X- 	    also need to be told which static routes to tell other
X- 	    routers about, so some expertise and
X- 	    troubleshooting/tweaking may be necessary to get
X- 	    static-route-based routing to work.</para>
X- 	</sect4>
X-       </sect3>
X-     </sect2>
X-   </sect1>
X  </chapter>
X  <!-- 
X--- 1977,1982 ----
echo x - preface.sgml.diff
sed 's/^X//' >preface.sgml.diff << '76edf66b30206b0dc62ba161aafbf652'
X*** orig/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/preface/preface.sgml	2010-01-21 10:25:12.000000000 +1100
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X*** 106,112 ****
X        <listitem>
X  	<para>A troubleshooting section has been added to <xref
X! 	  linkend="ppp-and-slip">, PPP and SLIP.</para>
X        </listitem>
X        <listitem>
X--- 106,112 ----
X        <listitem>
X  	<para>A troubleshooting section has been added to <xref
X! 	  linkend="ppp">, PPP.</para>
X        </listitem>
X        <listitem>
X*** 209,215 ****
X  	reorganized and updated for FreeBSD 4.X/5.X.</para>
X        </listitem>
X        <listitem>
X! 	<para><xref linkend="ppp-and-slip"> (<quote>PPP and SLIP</quote>) has been substantially
X  	updated.</para>
X        </listitem>
X        <listitem>
X--- 209,215 ----
X  	reorganized and updated for FreeBSD 4.X/5.X.</para>
X        </listitem>
X        <listitem>
X! 	<para><xref linkend="ppp"> (<quote>PPP</quote>) has been substantially
X  	updated.</para>
X        </listitem>
X        <listitem>
X*** 482,490 ****
X        </listitem>
X      </varlistentry>
X      <varlistentry>
X!       <term><emphasis><xref linkend="ppp-and-slip">, PPP and SLIP</emphasis></term>
X        <listitem>
X! 	<para>Describes how to use PPP, SLIP, or PPP over Ethernet to
X  	connect to remote systems with FreeBSD.</para>
X        </listitem>
X      </varlistentry>
X--- 482,490 ----
X        </listitem>
X      </varlistentry>
X      <varlistentry>
X!       <term><emphasis><xref linkend="ppp">, PPP</emphasis></term>
X        <listitem>
X! 	<para>Describes how to use PPP or PPP over Ethernet to
X  	connect to remote systems with FreeBSD.</para>
X        </listitem>
X      </varlistentry>


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