Russian translation

Oleg Ginzburg oleg.ginzburg at
Sat Oct 10 19:50:58 UTC 2009

On Saturday 10 October 2009 23:32:46 Mark Linimon wrote:
> The effectiveness of send-pr varies by committer interest :-) 

Whether there is any chance that all of people who in a condition to make 
check and approve  significant for commits there are no Russian-speaking;) ?
It causing a endless delay ;) 

And with delay like this all translators will die of an old age without having 
waited desired commit the rights. While in a current of several months will 
check up one patch, all hanging other patches on a basis diff can become 
useless. For the decision of similar collisions exist translate projects. As i 
see big problem for russian translators team away with a  re-creation  
translation project (resources / hosting needed)?) for periodicity sending 
cumulative .tar.gz doc pack. And when someone from doc commiters 
knows Russian of course. Somebody knows Russian?;)

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