Hardware manual about Core 2 xxx.

xxcunix tvtoon tvtoon at gmail.com
Sat Nov 28 05:44:55 UTC 2009

Hello, in the section 2.1 from the Hardware manual, there is one line
written like that...

*All Intel Core 2 (not Core Duo) and later processors

The problem is: only "Core 2 (not Core Duo)" is confusing! I, for one,
didn't know that there was a processor named "Core Duo" (series T2xxx
according to Wikipedia), thus I am still not 100% (99,9% maybe :D)
sure this means that my Core 2 Duo is supported.

So, I am proposing a more detailed format for this line. Something like...

*All Intel Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Quad, Core 2
SomethingElseThatFreeBSDSupports (but not the Core Duo, from T2xxx
series) processors.

Whatever this support and informations are taken for sure or not.
Thanks for your attention. :)

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