Missing context in handbook

Randy Sofia rsofia at poly.edu
Mon Nov 9 16:41:56 UTC 2009


The handbook specifies "The -alldirs flag allows the subdirectories to 
be mount points. In other words, it will not mount the subdirectories 
but permit the client to mount only the directories that are required or 

While this is true, it is not noted in the handbook that it will also 
allow directories BELOW that directory to be mountable so long as it is 
part of the same file system.  As stated in the man pages:

 "the -alldirs flag; this form allows the host(s) to
     mount at any point within the file system, including regular files 
if the
     -r option is used on mountd(8)."

So for example if my /etc/exports looks like:
/home/randy  -alldirs

Not only will I be able to mount  /home/randy/Desktop   but I will also 
be able to mount /home/boris as well (if /home/randy and /home/boris are 
on the same file system).


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