Be a Millionaire, be a Partner in my Successful Business!

Jerry Looi jerry at
Thu May 14 10:40:54 UTC 2009



Why stay slim is so hard?Because daily life is always in such a hurry and
is to compete with time,your diet and metabolism become imbalance, which is
the reason why the body system is disordered and why fat accumulates inmany
parts of the body. In particular, starchy foods, sugar and fat, though they
are essential nutrients in providing energy to thebody, they also give
negative impact to the metabolism in the long-imbalanced body. Starchy
foods, sugar and fat result indeposited fat in various parts of the body,
especially waist, abdomen, thigh, and brachium, where they are highly
evident.SlimmingRevolution for perfect bodyScientist research on weight
losing found that the efficient way to stay slim is to truly know the
bodysystem, beginning from food feeding to digesting and to metabolizing to
get rid of excess fat that has long been accumulated in thebody. Efficient
weight loss requires changes in the body system by introducing Block
system, which bars fat and carb beingconverted to deposited fat in the
body, and Burn system, which accelerates deposited fat burning through
Thermogenesis. Fromwidely research studies on the true weight loss
approach, the two-step adjustment in these two systems is developed to the
newlyinnovative weight reduction method with clinically proven records for
genuine efficiency.Blocking Fat & Carb .. MaximizingEffectiveness To impede
the major causes of obesity, like fat and carb, is the way to lower newly
deposited fat. By the twomechanisms,
1. Fat Block is to effectively allow the collaboration of the two natural
substances. Chitosan, which is derived from the shells ofshrimp and other
sea crustaceansa, impedes the absorption of excess fat from food intake
into the body. Garcinia extract detersnew fat conversion from excess sugar
consumed.2. Carbohydrate Block is to exploit the power of a natural
extract, that is globallyregistered as an intellectual property and that is
verified widely by many researches for its efficiency in deterring starch
digestion(Carbohydrate Block), in reducing excess sugar to be absorbed and
finally converted to2. Anti-oxidation is to cancel-out the cell-damaging
effects of free radicals from metabolism. Concentrated grape seed extract
composes of a potent substance calledprocyanidine, which is a powerful
anti-oxidant that reduces the by-product from Fat Oxidation and removes
waste deposited in fatcells, that affects cardiovascular system, blood
vessels as well as accelerated aging conditions.Getting in shape is not
longer ahard workProper changes for body system, blocking excess food to
become new deposited fat, burning body’s energycompletely, selecting the
right dietary and rebalancing the metabolism, no longer makes the body
staying in shape a hardwork.

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