NLS additions to I18N chapter of developers-handbook [Was: Re: svn commit: r189765 - in head: . lib/libc lib/libc/nls]

Rene Ladan rene at
Sun Mar 15 15:37:14 UTC 2009

Gábor Kövesdán schreef:
> Robert Watson escribió:
>> On Fri, 13 Mar 2009, Gabor Kovesdan wrote:
>>>  - Reenable Native Language Support in libc.  This feature was 
>>> disabled due
>>>    to possible breakages in the catalog handling code.  Since then, that
>>>    code has been replaced by the secure code from NetBSD but NLS in libc
>>>    remained turned off.  Tests have shown that the feature is stable and
>>>    working so we can now turn it on again.
>> Do we have a nice tutorialish document somewhere on what people 
>> writing new command line tools or libraries should do in order to 
>> address localization requirements, or at least, make it easier for 
>> other people to do so?  I'm afraid I, at least, live in a world 
>> without catalogues, but a quick and practical guide to what The Right 
>> Thing Is for FreeBSD would make it much easier for me to do something 
>> a bit more mature.
> I've spent some time on writing a short section on this trying to do 
> this from a practical viewpoint. Please take a look ant tell me what do 
> you think:
> A patch can be found here:
> (doc@ and some probable reviewers added to CC)
I've reviewed the patch, a diff to it is attached.


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