Dabber proudly presents The Stockholm Exhibition as a new client

DABBER.tv campaign at dabber.tv
Sat Jun 6 05:22:36 UTC 2009

Proudly presenting The Stockholm Exhibition as a new client

We are very proud to present a new collaboration with The Stockholm Exhibition

Dabber presents it´s new way of displaying content over a time machine effekt.
We were asked to help illustrate and communicate the magnitude of a project that is dynamic, long-term, groundbreaking and innovative. The new Stockholm Exhibition will be a modell that
Eric created one of his best solutions so far that several new clients will implement on theire webpages. Check it out soon on our Twitter-feed or in our newsletters

What we can do for you:
If you as some of our clients are looking for the 'wow-factor', or need to start implementing video in your business or if you need our different approach to take the step from idea to a well-visited website. Whatever the need, Dabber is ready to take you from static to stunning!

If you are interested in our services, big or small please contact us. We are based in Stockholm Sweden and work globaly on changing the way we communicate.

Visit the web site TheStockholmExhibition.com

/Daniel Daboczy
CEO Dabber.tv

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