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Gabor Kovesdan gabor at
Tue Jun 2 17:17:00 UTC 2009

Rene Ladan escribió:
> Another issue is that when you visit the website for the first time in
> Firefox 3,
> you'll have to manually select the style (Large/Normal Text), otherwise the
> website looks like a newspaper [2] .
You ran into the same issue I did. :) Let me make a fix...
> Last nit: the "Foundation" tooltip in the header shows up on the next
> line, below
> "Beginpagina", but it should be the last item on the line, next to
> "Ondersteuning".
> Could this be some CSS issue?
I don't know about this one, will take a look if I can help.

Gabor Kovesdan
FreeBSD Volunteer

EMAIL: gabor at .:|:. gabor at
WEB: .:|:.

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