[PATCH] Add a VirtualBox section to Handbook's 'Virtualization' chapter

Simon L. Nielsen simon at FreeBSD.org
Fri Jul 17 21:56:39 UTC 2009

On 2009.07.15 13:45:11 +0900, Daichi GOTO wrote:

[replying to random post in the thread]

>     For a number of years, FreeBSD was not officially supported as....

Is this statement really correct?  qemu has been running fine on
FreeBSD for quite a while...

Personally I think the entire first parapgrah could just be cut... I
don't think the history part matters for readers of the handbook.

One nit is that the text contains 'UNIX®-type' - that's not allowed
for the UNIX trademark (and in general probably not for most
trademarks).  Something like 'UNIX® like' should be fine.

On a simlar note "Sun(tm)'s" should just be "Sun's" as it's refering
to Sun, the company, and not Sun as used as part of a trademark.  For
added fun VirtualBox is actually a Sun trademark [1] and should be
handled as such.  I'm suddenly reminded that I know way more about
trademarks than I want to :-).

Oh, and s/wiki.freebsd.org/wiki.FreeBSD.org/

[1] http://www.sun.com/suntrademarks/

Simon L. Nielsen

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