docs/135983: "The Z File System" - title is misleading and causes search issue

Ben Kaduk minimarmot at
Sun Jul 12 18:34:01 UTC 2009

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 8:20 PM, Dan Naumov<dan.naumov at> wrote:
> The following reply was made to PR docs/135983; it has been noted by GNATS.
> From: Dan Naumov <dan.naumov at>
> To: bug-followup at, trhodes at
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: docs/135983: "The Z File System" - title is misleading and causes
>        search issue
> Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 03:13:17 +0300
>  In case I managed to screw up formatting using gmail, here is a direct
>  link to the patch file:
> For future
>  reference, when submitting patches, am I supposed to include them into
>  the email body of replying to the PR or am I supposed to include the
>  patch file(s) as an attachment?

I usually post the patchfile on a website as well as including it
inline (which is easier for people to make comments on)

I'll comment on the patch inline:

diff -ru /DATA/bsdwork/docs/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/filesystems/chapter.sgml
--- /DATA/bsdwork/docs/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/filesystems/chapter.sgml	2008-11-26
06:54:41.000000000 +0200
+++ /DATA/bsdwork/docs/doc-mine/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/filesystems/chapter.sgml	2009-06-30
02:33:10.786630005 +0300
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@

   <sect1 id="filesystems-zfs">
-    <title>The Z File System</title>
+    <title>The Z File System (ZFS)</title>

     <para>The Z file system, developed by &sun;, is a new
       technology designed to use a pooled storage method.  This means
@@ -198,19 +198,20 @@
 	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>echo 'zfs_enable="YES"' >>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>/etc/rc.d/zfs start</userinput></screen>

-	<para>The remainder of this document assumes two
+	<para>The remainder of this document assumes 3

The rule of thumb that sticks in my head is to write out "three", etc.
for numbers less than ten, and use the
numerals for larger numbers.

 	  <acronym>SCSI</acronym> disks are available, and their device names
-	  are <devicename><replaceable>da0</replaceable></devicename>
-	  and <devicename><replaceable>da1</replaceable></devicename>
-	  respectively.  Users of <acronym>IDE</acronym> hardware may
-	  use the <devicename><replaceable>ad</replaceable></devicename>
+	  are <devicename><replaceable>da0</replaceable></devicename>,
+          <devicename><replaceable>da1</replaceable></devicename>
+	  and <devicename><replaceable>da2</replaceable></devicename>.
+	  Users of <acronym>IDE</acronym> hardware may use the
+	  <devicename><replaceable>ad</replaceable></devicename>
 	  devices in place of <acronym>SCSI</acronym> hardware.</para>

 	<title>Single Disk Pool</title>

-	<para>To create a <acronym>ZFS</acronym> over a single disk
-	  device, use the <command>zpool</command> command:</para>
+	<para>To create a simple, non-redundant <acronym>ZFS</acronym> pool using a

I might wrap it as "<quote>pool</quote>", since
I don't think the term has been introduced, yet.

+	  single disk device, use the <command>zpool</command> command:</para>

 	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>zpool create example

@@ -340,13 +341,19 @@
 	<title><acronym>ZFS</acronym> RAID-Z</title>

 	<para>As previously noted, this section will assume that
-	  two <acronym>SCSI</acronym> exists as devices
-	  <devicename>da0</devicename> and
-	  <devicename>da1</devicename>.  To create a
+	  3 <acronym>SCSI</acronym> discs exist as devices

"three", here, as well.

+	  <devicename>da0</devicename>, <devicename>da1</devicename>
+	  and <devicename>da2</devicename>. To create a
 	  <acronym>RAID</acronym>-Z pool, issue the following

-	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>zpool create storage raidz da0
+	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>zpool create storage raidz da0 da1
+	<warning><para>The recommended amount of devices to be used in a
+	  configuration is 3-9. If your needs call for a single pool to
consist of 10 disks or more,
+	  consider breaking it up into groups of smaller
<acronym>RAID</acronym>-Z. If you only
+	  have 2 disks and require redundancy, consider using a
<acronym>ZFS</acronym> mirror

Hm, it may be worth creating an entity for ZFS, so that it will be
expanded at first appearance and only appear as an acronym for later
Maybe someone else has an opinion ...

Thanks for the patch!
-Ben Kaduk

+	  configuration. See the &man.zpool.8; manual page for more

 	<para>The <literal>storage</literal> zpool should have been
 	  created.  This may be verified by using the &man.mount.8; and
@@ -432,8 +439,8 @@
 /dev/ad0s1a    2026030  235240  1628708    13%    /
 devfs                1       1        0   100%    /dev
 /dev/ad0s1d   54098308 1032826 48737618     2%    /usr
-storage       17547008       0 17547008     0%    /storage
-storage/home  17547008       0 17547008     0%    /home</screen>
+storage       26320512       0 26320512     0%    /storage
+storage/home  26320512       0 26320512     0%    /home</screen>

 	<para>This completes the <acronym>RAID</acronym>-Z
 	  configuration.  To get status updates about the file systems
@@ -477,6 +484,7 @@
 	  raidz1    DEGRADED     0     0     0
 	    da0     ONLINE       0     0     0
 	    da1     OFFLINE      0     0     0
+	    da2     ONLINE       0     0     0

 errors: No known data errors</screen>

@@ -509,6 +517,7 @@
 	  raidz1    ONLINE       0     0     0
 	    da0     ONLINE       0     0     0
 	    da1     ONLINE       0     0     0
+	    da2     ONLINE       0     0     0

 errors: No known data errors</screen>

@@ -556,6 +565,7 @@
 	  raidz1    ONLINE       0     0     0
 	    da0     ONLINE       0     0     0
 	    da1     ONLINE       0     0     0
+	    da2     ONLINE       0     0     0

 errors: No known data errors</screen>

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