IPv6 docs
Alexey Ivanov
need4spam at bk.ru
Fri Jul 10 23:43:18 UTC 2009
In handbook http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/handbook/network-ipv6.html
Section 31.11 IPv6
1. There is not only stateless, but also statefull autoconfiguration described in rfc3315
Table 31-2. Reserved IPv6 addresses
1. Site-local is deprecated by rfc3879
2. Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses that replaces them described in rfc4193
3. Multicast is ffxx::/8 ( http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-multicast-addresses/ ), not a ff::/8 witch means 00ff::/8
4. It'll be good to describe 2002::/16 and 2001::/32 prefixes
In 31.11.3 Getting Connected
1. It'll be good to mention Hurricane Electric (http://tunnelbroker.net/) and it's basic setup
2. and net/gateway6 port
Sincerely y0uRz,
Alexey Ivanov
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