LawCrossing can change your life
Harrison Barnes
a.hbarnes at
Mon Jan 26 15:11:46 UTC 2009
3D"" [1]3D"LawC= 3D""
[blank=] [blank=]
I would like to take a few minutes to tell you about something that
can = be extremely beneficial to your legal career. You are literally
one of the= first people I am writing to, and I really think you're
going to like what= I have to say. I am the Founder and Chief
Executive Officer of Employment= Scape, a corporation based in
Pasadena, CA. I have hundreds of employees a= nd run several
successful companies. At last count, I had 15 offices acros= s the
United States.
I want to tell you about a service that can help you change your life.
= It is that good!
Back in the year 2001, when, after 9/11, tons of Internet companies
went= out of business, attorneys all over the United States got laid
off. When = attorneys lose their jobs, it can be very difficult for
them to find new on= es -- next to impossible, in fact. The legal
profession is very insular. = At that time, I was a legal recruiter
and wanted to find a way to ensure th= at all of these unemployed
attorneys found positions. Finding a way of doi= ng this took a lot of
effort and a lot of money.
I started a company that monitors the hiring needs of every single law
f= irm and corporation in the United States. Essentially, what we do
at this = company (which is called LawCrossing) is manually (and using
spiders) visit= every single website that is a source of legal
employment listings (more t= han 250,000 websites in all) each week
and then post the jobs we find on ou= r own site -- at no charge to
Once this site got started, it grew very quickly, and now the world is
v= ery different for attorneys looking for new positions.
[2]LawCrossing was ranked 72nd on the 2007= Inc. 500 list of the
fastest growing companies in the US, and presently, t= here are more
than 140,000 legal jobs on the site. When an attorney needs = a new
job or is interested in learning about the market or simply wants to keep abreast of what is going on, he or she uses this site. The site
has g= otten tens of thousands of attorneys jobs, and every day, we
get numerous t= estimonials from satisfied members!
Let me tell you what makes this site so special:
1. [3]LawCrossing = has the largest collection of legal jobs -- over
140,000 -- and offers a 7-= day free trial to new members.
2. We monitor about 250,000 employer websites, job boards,
newspapers= , publications, and every possible resource to find
all the available jobs = out there for you. The database
technology to support these efforts costs = more than $5 million
3. The difference between [4]La= wCrossing and, for
example, is that LawCrossing ha= s every single legal job out
there -- not just the ones that employers are = paying $350 to
Monster to advertise.
4. As another benefit to [5]Law= Crossing, most of the job listings
on the site do not bring in= lots of applications, because they
are usually buried in corporate website= s' employment sections.
When you visit [6][DEL: LawCrossing :DEL] , you're seeing jobs
that a lot of people hav= e not yet seen.
5. When you apply for positions on [7]<= strong>LawCrossing,
employers will most likely think that you = saw their open
positions on their websites, and this will make them think y= ou
are very interested in them specifically, which will make them
much more= receptive to you.
I'm going to be honest with you. I have tons of money invested in
LawCrossing, and I know= it can change your life. When you visit [8] LawCrossing as one of our subscribers, you will be blo= wn away by
what you find. You will likely find the employer quite receptiv= e if
you apply for one of the positions we post. Being a part of this site could be one of the best experiences of your life. I think it will be.
I encourage you to [9]visit LawCr= ossing today, and I sincerely hope
you will tell others once y= ou have visited the site and seen what it
can do for you. I'm excited for = you and wish you all the best.
Cordially, [10]3D""
Harrison Barnes
CEO, LawCrossing
PS: In this [11]short video, I explain how LawCrossing works for you
to help you get that perfec= t legal job.
PPS: [12]Click here to compare LawCrossing benefits with othe= r job
3D"" <= /td>
Harrison Barnes
<= br> EMAIL: [14]a.hbarnes at
TEL: 626-243-1801
FAX: 213-895-7306 3D"" = 3D""
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recipient(s) above, and may contain information that= is privileged,
attorney work product, or exempt from disclosure under app= licable
law. If you have received this message in error, or are not the nam ed recipient(s), please immediately notify the sender at
626-243-1801 a= nd delete this email message from your computer. Thank
3D"" <= /td>
*EmploymentCrossing is the largest portal of employment opp ortunities in the world, seamlessly bringing job seekers and employers
toge= ther throughout the career cycle. Unlike other job boards, we
exist for emp= loyees and not employers. We do not charge employers to
post their listings= with us and spend 99% of our efforts tracking
down jobs for our members an= d posting them to our site. With the
largest database of employers anywhere= , we have contacts for more
than 250,000 employers in all 50 states and mor= e than 150 countries.
Whether you are seeking a position or just curious ab= out the market,
we can help you find almost any open position anywhere, inc= luding
positions in corporations, public interest and nonprofit organizatio ns, federal governmental agencies, educational institutions you name
it. It= is not unusual for our subscribers to get 10 or more offers.
Let Employmen= tCrossing go to work for you too.
© 2009 LawCrossing. All rights reserved. Offic= e: 175 South Lake
Avenue, Suite 200, Pasadena, CA 91101.
If you no longer wish to receive this mail in f= uture: [15]U nsubscribe Here
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