Apply to Unadvertised Legal Job Openings through Legal Authority

Dean Jones djones at
Mon Jan 5 13:41:54 UTC 2009



                          [1]3D"Le= 1-800-283-3860

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   A few days ago, you were introduced to [8]= Legal Authority because we
   thought you might be curiou= s about the options you have when it
   comes to advancing your career. Now th= at it's been a while, have you
   thought any more about the exceptional benef= its the service has to
   [9]Legal Authority is= a company that helps attorneys apply for jobs
   that match their interests b= y using targeted-mailing solutions.
   Legal Authority also maintains the larg= est database of contact
   information for legal employers in the world. Botto= m line: [10]Legal
   Authority has access to the jobs you want.
   It is a well-known fact that more than 85% of all open legal positions
   are = simply not published anywhere, not on employers' websites and
   not in classi= fied ads. Even recruiters wouldn't know about these
   positions. To gain acce= ss to these unlisted jobs, you need to use
   one of the best legal job search= tools in the world: [11]Legal Aut   hority.
   When you use [12]Legal Authority= , you'll be able to apply to every
   relevant organization; your= job search will be as thorough,
   professional, and focused as possible.
   [13]Click here to vis= it Legal Authority and learn more about your
   next steps toward success, or = call 800-283-3860.
   Dean Jones
   Customer Service Manager
   PS: Steer your legal job search and choose your path to career success
   = through Legal Authority. [14]Get s= tarted now!
   PPS: [15]Click here to compare Legal Authority be= nefits with other
   job sites.


   Dean Jones
   Customer Service Manager
   Tel: 1-800-283-3860
   Fax: 1-213-895-7306
   This email message is confidential, intende= d only for the named
   recipient(s) above, and may contain information that i= s privileged,
   attorney work product, or exempt from disclosure under applic= able
   law. If you have received this message in error, or are not the named
   = recipient(s), please immediately notify the sender at 1-800-283-3860
   and de= lete this email message from your computer. Thank you.
   *Legal Authority is America's largest and most = popular job search
   service for attorneys and law students and its ads may b= e seen
   nationally in every major legal publication including American Lawye   r, The National Law Journal, *The National Jurist, *L Magazine, *JD
   Jungle,= JD Journal, Corporate Counsel Magazine, California Lawyer,
   Lawyers Weekly = USA, Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, Detroit Legal
   News, Michigan Lawyers Wee= kly, Missouri Lawyers Weekly, North
   Carolina Lawyers Weekly, Rhode Island L= awyers Weekly, South Carolina
   Lawyers Weekly, Virginia Lawyers Weekly, Atla= ntic Coast In-House,
   Midwest In-House, New England In-House, Los Angeles Da= ily Journal,
   San Francisco Daily Journal, The San Francisco Recorder, The W   ashington Legal Times, The Orange County Register, The Miami Business
   Journ= al, The Colorado Lawyer, Fultyn County Daily Report (Atlanta),
   The Chicago = Daily Law Bulletin, The New York Law Journal, Texas

   © 2009 Legal Authority. All r= ights reserved. Office: 175 South Lake
   Avenue, Suite 200, Pasadena, CA 9110= 1
   If you no longer wish to receive this mail in future : [17]Unsubscribe


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