document dependency graph

Manolis Kiagias sonic2000gr at
Sat Jan 3 00:05:33 UTC 2009

Rene Ladan wrote:
> Hi,
> I've made a document dependency graph showing which articles and books
> depend which other articles and/or books.
> The graph can be viewed at
> (both the graphviz source and two renderings in PNG format)
> The graph was made manually (!) using the output from
> grep -ir -E 'url.articles|url.books|' * | sort | uniq
> in the articles/ and books/ directory of the current English documentation
> set.  So hopefully I didn't miss anything.
> Maybe the graph is useful for translation teams deciding what to translate
> next (to avoid having to link to a lot of non-translated texts).
> Regards,
> Rene
Now, I would really call that complex!
Most everything connects to the handbook, so finishing it  gives a
translator more than a few options of articles to move on.
Another possibly interesting graph would be which handbook chapters
connect to other handbook chapters (for more or less the same reason: to
translate the most linked to chapters first). 

Nice work, thanks Rene ;)

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