docs/138283: [patch] Porter's Handbook: add entry for KDE 4

Max Brazhnikov makc at
Fri Aug 28 19:10:03 UTC 2009

>Number:         138283
>Category:       docs
>Synopsis:       [patch] Porter's Handbook: add entry for KDE 4
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-doc
>State:          open
>Class:          update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Aug 28 19:10:02 UTC 2009
>Originator:     Max Brazhnikov
>Release:        FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE i386
FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE #2: Fri Jun 26 21:57:33 MSD 2009     root at  i386
split Qt and KDE sections,
add some notes about KDE 4.


Patch attached with submission follows:

Index: book.sgml
RCS file: /home/dcvs/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/book.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.1025
diff -u -r1.1025 book.sgml
--- book.sgml	25 Aug 2009 08:48:29 -0000	1.1025
+++ book.sgml	28 Aug 2009 18:48:02 -0000
@@ -5427,42 +5427,10 @@
-    <sect1 id="using-kde">
-      <title>Using KDE</title>
-      <sect2 id="kde-variables">
-	<title>Variable definitions</title>
-	<table frame="none">
-	  <title>Variables for ports that use KDE</title>
-	  <tgroup cols="2">
-	    <tbody>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><makevar>USE_KDELIBS_VER</makevar></entry>
-		<entry>The port uses KDE libraries.  It specifies the
-		  major version of KDE to use and implies
-		  <makevar>USE_QT_VER</makevar> of the appropriate
-		  version.  The only possible value is
-		  <literal>3</literal>.</entry>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><makevar>USE_KDEBASE_VER</makevar></entry>
-		<entry>The port uses KDE base.  It specifies the major
-		  version of KDE to use and implies
-		  <makevar>USE_QT_VER</makevar> of the appropriate version.
-		  The only possible value is <literal>3</literal>.</entry>
-	      </row>
-	    </tbody>
-	  </tgroup>
-	</table>
-      </sect2>
+    <sect1 id="using-qt">
+      <title>Using Qt</title>
-      <sect2 id="kde-qt">
+      <sect2 id="qt-common">
 	<title>Ports that require Qt</title>
 	<table frame="none">
@@ -5809,6 +5777,141 @@
+    <sect1 id="using-kde">
+      <title>Using KDE</title>
+      <sect2 id="kde-variables">
+	<title>Variable definitions (KDE 3.x only)</title>
+	<table frame="none">
+	  <title>Variables for ports that use KDE 3.x</title>
+	  <tgroup cols="2">
+	    <tbody>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><makevar>USE_KDELIBS_VER</makevar></entry>
+		<entry>The port uses KDE libraries.  It specifies the
+		  major version of KDE to use and implies
+		  <makevar>USE_QT_VER</makevar> of the appropriate
+		  version.  The only possible value is
+		  <literal>3</literal>.</entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><makevar>USE_KDEBASE_VER</makevar></entry>
+		<entry>The port uses KDE base.  It specifies the major
+		  version of KDE to use and implies
+		  <makevar>USE_QT_VER</makevar> of the appropriate version.
+		  The only possible value is <literal>3</literal>.</entry>
+	      </row>
+	    </tbody>
+	  </tgroup>
+	</table>
+      </sect2>
+      <sect2 id="kde4-components">
+	<title>KDE 4 components</title>
+	<para>If your application depends on KDE 4.x, set <makevar>USE_KDE4</makevar>
+	  to the list of required components. The most commonly used components are listed below
+	  (up-to-date components are listed in <makevar>_USE_KDE4_ALL</makevar> in
+	  <filename>/usr/ports/Mk/</filename>):</para>
+	<table frame="none">
+	  <title>Available KDE4 components</title>
+	  <tgroup cols="2">
+	    <thead>
+	      <row>
+		<entry>Name</entry>
+		<entry>Description</entry>
+	      </row>
+	    </thead>
+	    <tbody>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><literal>akonadi</literal></entry>
+		<entry>Personal information management (PIM) storage service</entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><literal>automoc4</literal></entry>
+		<entry>automoc4 build tool</entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><literal>kdebase</literal></entry>
+		<entry>Basic KDE applications (Konqueror, Dolphin, Konsole)</entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><literal>kdeexp</literal></entry>
+		<entry>Experimental KDE libraries (with non-stable API)</entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><literal>kdehier</literal></entry>
+		<entry>Provides common KDE directories</entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><literal>kdelibs</literal></entry>
+		<entry>The base set of KDE libraries</entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><literal>kdeprefix</literal></entry>
+		<entry>If set, port will be installed into
+		  <literal>${KDE4_PREFIX}</literal>
+		  instead of <literal>${LOCALBASE}</literal></entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><literal>pimlibs</literal></entry>
+		<entry>PIM libraries</entry>
+	      </row>
+	      <row>
+		<entry><literal>workspace</literal></entry>
+		<entry>Applications and libraries which form desktop (Plasma, KWin)</entry>
+	      </row>
+	    </tbody>
+	  </tgroup>
+	</table>
+	<para>KDE 4.x ports are installed into <literal>${KDE4_PREFIX}</literal>,
+	  which is <filename>/usr/local/kde4</filename> currently, to avoid conflicts
+	  with KDE 3.x ports. This is achieved by specifying <literal>kdeprefix</literal>
+	  component, which overrides default <makevar>PREFIX</makevar>. The ports however
+	  respect <makevar>PREFIX</makevar> set via <envar>MAKEFLAGS</envar> environment
+	  variable and/or <application>make</application> arguments.</para>
+	<example id="kde4-components-example">
+	  <title><makevar>USE_KDE4</makevar> example</title>
+	  <para>This is a simple example for KDE 4 port. <makevar>USE_CMAKE</makevar>
+	  instructs port to utilize <application>CMake</application> —
+	  configuration tool widely spread among KDE 4 projects.
+	  <makevar>USE_KDE4</makevar> brings dependency on KDE libraries and makes port using
+	  <application>automoc4</application> at build stage. Required KDE components
+	  and other dependencies can be determined through configure log.
+	  <makevar>USE_KDE4</makevar> does not imply <makevar>USE_QT_VER</makevar>.
+	  If port requires some of Qt4 components, <makevar>USE_QT_VER</makevar> should be set
+	  and then needed components can be specified.</para>
+	  <programlisting>USE_CMAKE=     yes
+USE_KDE4=      automoc4 kdelibs kdeprefix
+USE_QT_VER=    4
+QT_COMPONENTS= qmake_build moc_build rcc_build uic_build</programlisting>
+	</example>
+      </sect2>
+    </sect1>
     <sect1 id="using-java">
       <title>Using Java</title>


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