Exciting News at XS International, Inc.

Todd Bone, XSi toddbone at xsnet.com
Thu Oct 2 18:25:27 UTC 2008

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Dear Customers, Vendors, Family & Friends,  

The employees of XS International, Inc. (XSi) are excited to announce the recent publication of our IT Asset Disposition Whitepaper in ITAK (I.T. Asset Knowledge) Magazine.     

Please forward this email to those you know that could benefit from an IT Asset Disposition program .    

ITAD - Meeting IT Life-cycle Challenges to Maximize Value and Minimize Risk 
By:  Todd A. Bone, Chief Executive Officer of XS International, Inc. 

The amount of decommissioned IT assets is growing at an accelerated rate due to the rapid advancement of technological change.  The resulting challenge is determining how to capture additional asset value from this eWaste and avoid liabilities arising out of data security issues and non-compliance with legislative requirements. This paper explores life-cycle challenges and provides insights into effective ITAD programs. The goal of an ITAD program is to maximize return and minimize the risk associated with asset decommissioning. 

Visit http://sdm3.rm04.net/ctt?kn=10&m=2207865&r=MTQ0NjI0MDcwMjAS1&b=2&j=NTg2NDc3MzES1&mt=1&rt=0 to read the article.             
ITAK magazine is published by IAITAM (International Association of Information Technology Asset Managers). IAITAM's 
mission is to provide real world based skills development opportunities for the IT and business professionals choosing IT asset management as the next logical step in the professional career, and to support the talented IT Asset Managers already leading the way with successful ITAM business practices savings money, gaining control, reducing risk, increasing accountability and improving performance. 
"After the closeout of a program, we had a wide range of excess equipment.  XSi was able to test and remarket the equipment for us which provided a great return of our capital investment.  XSi was honest and upright in their communication.  The only large task we had to do was provide an inventory list and ship the equipment to XSi.  They were even able to begin remarketing the equipment before it hit their loading docks. Wire transfers were quickly turned around and we were able to conclude our asset recovery task.  XSi really did all the work for us on the recovery effort." - Franz Filicky, Lockheed Martin   

> IBM & Dell HPC 
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Improve your business performance, visit www.avarsys.com to learn more. 

> High-quality refurbished systems  
> IBM, Sun, HP, SGI, LNXI & Dell  
> 50% - 70% off MSRP   
For weekly specials, visit www.xsnet.com.

> Cross-platform OS support  
> Alternative to SMARTnet®  
> Onsite & Depot support  
To download our Whitepaper, visit http://sdm3.rm04.net/ctt?kn=15&m=2207865&r=MTQ0NjI0MDcwMjAS1&b=2&j=NTg2NDc3MzES1&mt=1&rt=0.   

> Global AR Centers  
> International remarketing  
> Recycling & disposal  
Turn your excess equipment into cash today, visit http://sdm3.rm04.net/ctt?kn=19&m=2207865&r=MTQ0NjI0MDcwMjAS1&b=2&j=NTg2NDc3MzES1&mt=1&rt=0 to get started.  

XS International, Inc. proudly accepts:
Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express          
GSA; NASA SEWP IV; DHS FirstSource; NIH ECS III                


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XS International, Inc. is located at:
1005 Alderman Dr., Suite 212, Alpharetta, GA 30005
1.800.256.6133       +1.770.740.0040

© 2008, XS International Inc., All Rights Reserved.

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