Adding splash screen section to handbook

Gabor PALI pgj at
Mon Nov 17 09:45:04 UTC 2008

Dear Joe,

>>> "This makes for a visually cleaner experience getting to the X11
>>>  Desktop Display Manager login screen and/or virtual console
>>> login prompt."
>> Sorry, I do not understand this sentence.
> [..] In X11 environments the users would get a visually clearer 
> system start up experience resembling something closer to what an 
> ms/xp user would see.

Okay, thank you for the clarification.

> First of all, the handbook does not have any reference to the splash
>  screen function. The only documentation on the splash screen is in 
> the FAQ. You should know that all ready.

Yes, you are right.

> I agree with you that the splash screen documentation should be 
> removed from the FAQ and placed in the handbook. Complete and full 
> documentation is what is needed and the handbook is the place it 
> belongs. On that point I do not think the splash screen belongs under
> the section dealing with X11 because it really has nothing to do
> with X11. I think it should be in a new sub-section, in section "3.0
> UNIX Basics" after 3.2 Virtual Consoles and Terminals, titled 3.3
> Boot time Splash screen.

Oh, thank you for your contribution!

> I don't have the time nor the patiences to work through the handbook
> SGML coding and approval process. So I am going to hand off this new
> handbook section to you to do as you want with it. Just give me my
> credit do as "Contributed by Joseph J. Barbish".

I will do the SGML coding and review your work.  Thank you again.


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