Wiki style FAQ proposal
Gabor PALI
pgj at
Wed May 28 05:31:16 UTC 2008
> c) Add a capability of keeping view count of each item if possible.
> We need to know which item is most frequently referred.
It is also a good idea. Feedback is always important, especially for a FAQ.
Do you have any suggestions on how to implement this? I believe this can
be only done on the web.
Are you planning to introduce limits based on this frequency value or is
it only about statistics? For example, "remove all questions below 5
queries per week in average once in a year"?
> The 'current' will only be for new content or even categories,
> for entries that have not been checked for correctness / validity
> and so on. The 'stable' branch will have more or less established
> categories and entries (which will be updated regularly) and when
> new stuff from current gets reviewed and considered important,
> it should be added to stable.
Yes, 'current' line could be used as a scratchpad (wishlist etc.) for
anybody and as a source of inspiration for the editors, writers. It is
the another end of the frequency question ("what to talk about").
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