Need an environment for dynamic web content for

Joel Dahl joel at
Tue Mar 18 09:52:23 UTC 2008

Murray Stokely skrev:
> Our static XML/SGML based infrastructure is really showing its age for
> some types of web content.  One example is the way we keep track of
> proposed ideas for student projects or other nascent development
> projects.  It would be great to have a dynamic web app which displays
> all the different ideas in different categories, with searching
> functionality, and most importantly, with some kind of voting
> functionality so that others could vote and comment on proposals.

I have no problem using the existing infrastructure, but moving it to the 
wiki has been a goal of mine for a long time, as it would allow more 
people to easily contribute stuff without doing the boring 

Alexander, what do you think?  Should we move it to the wiki instead?


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