IPSec in the handbook

gnn at freebsd.org gnn at freebsd.org
Mon Mar 10 20:48:04 UTC 2008

At Fri, 7 Mar 2008 20:50:35 -0300,
Nenhum_de_Nos wrote:
> hmm, at least from the homepage that looks to be online right now,
> there is a racoon conf file and the line remembering to restart (start
> really) ipsec.
> it is not to be seen as a brand new page, but as a patch. I did like
> the way things are explained there, just made a bit of an update as to
> now there are no conf files to be edited as the old text said.
> I would help more in the text (and other manuals from handbook) if
> needed. I just though I could not myself make a better text than the
> original, so I made a patch :)
> sorry if was much buzz for little thing.

That's OK, it just turns out that the pages need more work than that,
due to the switch to a single IPsec stack.


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